Digital literacy for businesses: why it’s missing and how to attain it

In the fast-moving digitalisation era of today, digital literacy is increasingly critical for entrepreneurs as they continue to experience a business landscape that favours large corporates, often leaving small businesses at a significant disadvantage. Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in the global manufacturing economy, contributing to the job market and […]
Les 5 principales tendances du secteur manufacturier à surveiller en 2025

En réfléchissant aux tendances qui ont défini 2024, nous reconnaissons que l’industrie manufacturière se trouve à un point de basculement. En mettant davantage l’accent sur les progrès sur tous les fronts – qu’il s’agisse de la numérisation, des technologies disruptives, de l’excellence opérationnelle ou des performances ESG – les CEO doivent surmonter des défis critiques tels que la gestion de leurs systèmes, infrastructures, […]
Convergence IT/OT : défis et opportunités en 2023

As manufacturers adopt Industry 4.0 and take steps to further digitalise, one area of focus that has emerged is the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT), or IT/OT convergence. Traditionally, IT and OT systems worked in silos as they governed different domains. OT is heavily involved in the physical world, such as […]