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O que fazemos

Provedor oficial do curso

Visão geral On boarding process Nossas estruturas Partners in excellence Outras avenidas

Expand your course portfolio with us

We partner with training and certification bodies across the globe to facilitate the integration of our frameworks into their course offerings. Explore the synergy of our expertise and your reach, and how you can elevate your business by becoming a trusted training and certification provider for the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) and Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI).

Onboarding process

Begin by acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to effectively comprehend and apply our frameworks. Attend our training and certification programme and get certified as an assessor.

As part of the accreditation process, ensure that a minimum of two individuals within your organisation are certified assessors. This ensures comprehensive coverage and proficiency in delivering our frameworks effectively.

Participate in the train-the-trainer programme conducted by INCIT to learn how to effectively conduct and deliver the course and coursework materials.

Embark on your journey as a training and certification provider for our frameworks, delivering excellence and transformative training experiences, empowering individuals and organisations with invaluable knowledge and skills.

Get in touch

Nossas estruturas

Índice de prontidão da indústria inteligente (SIRI)

SIRI é a primeira avaliação independente de maturidade digital do mundo para fabricantes. Ela compreende um conjunto de estruturas e ferramentas para ajudar os fabricantes – independentemente do tamanho e da indústria – a iniciar, dimensionar e sustentar suas jornadas de transformação digital.

Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI)

O COSIRI é um índice pioneiro de maturidade em sustentabilidade, projetado para auxiliar os fabricantes a avaliar seu estado de prontidão para a sustentabilidade. O COSIRI permite que os fabricantes obtenham insights, mesmo no nível básico, permitindo que eles conduzam sua transformação de sustentabilidade em alinhamento com estratégias corporativas e metas de redução de emissões.

Partners in excellence


British Standard Institution (BSI)

Selangor Human Resource Development Centre

Explore outras avenidas