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Digital literacy for businesses: why it’s missing and how to attain it

digital literacy and OPERI

In the fast-moving digitalisation era of today, digital literacy is increasingly critical for entrepreneurs as they continue to experience a business landscape that favours large corporates, often leaving small businesses at a significant disadvantage. Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in the global manufacturing economy, contributing to the job market and […]

As 5 principais tendências de manufatura para ficar de olho em 2025

As we reflect on the trends that defined 2024, we recognise that the manufacturing industry is at a tipping point. With more emphasis and focus on advancing on all fronts – whether it is digitalisation, disruptive technology, operational excellence or ESG performance – CEOs must overcome critical challenges such as addressing their legacy systems, infrastructures, […]

Convergência TI/OT: desafios e oportunidades em 2023

IT/OT convergence

À medida que os fabricantes adotam a Indústria 4.0 e tomam medidas para digitalizar ainda mais, uma área de foco que surgiu é a convergência de tecnologia da informação (TI) e tecnologia operacional (TO), ou convergência TI/TO. Tradicionalmente, os sistemas de TI e TO trabalhavam em silos, pois governavam domínios diferentes. A TO está fortemente envolvida no mundo físico, como […]