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Striking a balance: the top 5 strategies for responsible land use in manufacturing

The Earth’s land is a finite resource. Historically, little consideration has been given to the impact of our actions and practices or the state in which we will leave the land for future generations – until now. With the increasing global demand for products, the manufacturing sector isn’t slowing down anytime soon, yet it remains […]

Riscos de reputação: por que a fabricação ética é vital para o progresso ESG

Estabelecer uma estrutura Ambiental, Social e de Governança (ESG) robusta e impactante que esteja alinhada com os objetivos comerciais e sustentáveis não é tarefa fácil. Ela é diferenciada e requer diligência de todos os fabricantes. Como indústria, os fabricantes têm a tarefa de integrar os princípios ESG na estrutura de suas operações e cadeia de suprimentos digital com urgência devido […]

Sustainable textiles supply chain management: strategies for greener outcomes

In an interconnected world linked and driven by world trade, maintaining efficient and sustainable supply chains can make a significant difference in operational effectiveness and achieving greener outcomes. The focus on supply chains is not misplaced – it’s been found that around 50% to 70% of operating costs and over 90% of an organisation’s greenhouse […]