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Harnessing Industry 4.0: INCIT’s commitment to transforming manufacturing amid global climate challenges

<strong>November 2024, Baku:</strong> The United Nations Climate Change Conference began this month, bringing together global leaders to address climate challenges and promote sustainable industrial practices. As a non-profit think tank dedicated to smart manufacturing transformation, INCIT acknowledges the urgency of these discussions in shaping a sustainable future, particularly as 2024 is projected to be the […]

Trending now: the top 7 cleantech solutions transforming smart manufacturing

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, leaders are actively transforming their operations with cutting-edge innovations, seamlessly integrating sustainability and technology in harmony with Industry 4.0. Manufacturers now have the power to revolutionise their smart manufacturing processes using cutting-edge cleantech solutions. They are using hydrogen to power their operations, a roboctopus to handle delicate items such as […]

Energia limpa na manufatura: o hidrogênio é finalmente viável?

In the fast-evolving global manufacturing landscape, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) face mounting pressure from governments and society to slash carbon footprints and achieve net-zero emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported the manufacturing sector is responsible for about 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, underscoring the need for businesses to act now. […]

Mitigating physical risks in smart manufacturing: expert insights and strategic solutions for industry leaders

Industry 4.0 has irrevocably changed manufacturing production, enabling it to rapidly evolve and become increasingly interconnected. Despite substantial innovations in manufacturing and significant industry advancements, physical risks persist. By addressing and mitigating physical risks, businesses directly enhance human sustainability, protecting their employees from harm. The 2024 International Labour Organization (ILO) report highlights that agriculture, construction, […]

Protegendo dados na era da manufatura inteligente

A era da manufatura inteligente e da construção de fábricas inteligentes está transformando a manufatura como a conhecemos. A Indústria 4.0 trouxe a rápida adoção de ferramentas poderosas auxiliadas por inteligência artificial (IA), aprendizado de máquina (ML) e a Internet das Coisas (IoT), o que resultou em maior otimização e automação, mas também em uma grande quantidade de […]

Como a manufatura inteligente pode impulsionar a sustentabilidade e a equidade

Não é exagero dizer que o mundo se desenvolveu em um ritmo incrível nos últimos séculos. Coletivamente, fizemos vários saltos e limites transformacionais ao longo da história, e a taxa de mudança está apenas ficando mais rápida com o tempo. Parte dessa transformação inclui a evolução da indústria de manufatura e sua […]