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Introducing COSIRI - Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index

Assessing sustainability maturity is notoriously tricky. Can you relate? If so, take a COSIRI assessment! COSIRI (Consumer Sustainability Readiness Index) is more than just a framework—it’s a game-changer in transforming your sustainability efforts.

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COSIRI stämmer överens med FN:s mål för hållbar utveckling (SDG)

We explore how various Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) align with Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI) dimensions, highlighting the interconnectedness of sustainable development and industry practices.

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Kartlägga kursen mot digital excellens med Akebono

PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia takes their digital transformation efforts to the next level with SIRI.

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SIRI i rampljuset: Yokogawa guidar tillverkare på digitaliseringsresan

Yokogawa's expertise in SIRI and digital maturity assessments are helping businesses drive Industry 4.0 adoption. Learn how SIRI can elevate manufacturing.

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APAC Network Interview: Kan tillverkning anta klimatutmaningen?

INCIT CEO Raimund Klein and advisory board member Francisco Betti joined Oriel Morrison on APAC Network to discuss the latest developments and trends in the manufacturing industry.

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SEW-EURODRIVE förbättrar flexibiliteten och höjer produktiviteten med SIRI

Discover how SEW-EURODRIVE leveraged the Official SIRI Assessment to catalyse their Industry 4.0 and digital transformation journey.

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Rockwell Automation driver sektoriell transformation med SIRI

To work towards being future-ready, Rockwell Automation Asia Pacific Business Center (RA APBC) used SIRI to identify focus areas of transformation.

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SIRI i rampljuset: Validerar Haier Groups digitaliseringsprogram

See how the Official SIRI assessment contributed to Haier Group's mission to future-proof its global operations.

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SIRI i rampljuset: Hjälper Pepperl+Fuchs att sätta digitala transformationsmål

See how Pepperl+Fuchs utilises the SIRI to evaluate the Industry 4.0 readiness of several of its manufacturing sites and create a digital transformation roadmap.

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