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INCIT’s CEO joins The Deep Dive podcast


| April 4, 2024

INCIT’s CEO Raimund Klein recently was featured on The Deep Dive podcast with A&M SEAA Senior Director Tingfeng Ye, delving into the transformative effects of Industry 4.0 across Southeast Asia’s manufacturing sector. The episode explores the significant technological advancements propelling growth in the industry, distinguishing the operational and strategic differences between top-performing multinational corporations (MNCs) and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

During their discussion, Klein and Ye covered several topics related to manufacturing, including the importance of using robotic process automation (RPA), big data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to discover new opportunities and enhance manufacturers’ value, but also the obstacles to success many organisations are currently facing. 

“At the moment, companies don’t really know what their digital maturity profile is. And when you don’t know where you are, you also don’t know which direction to go [in] as a next step,” Raimund Klein said.

Listen or download the transcript here: Future Ready: Navigating Industry 4.0 in Southeast Asia’s Mid-Sized Enterprises 

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