El fabricante ético: cómo equilibrar el éxito corporativo con el bien social

In an increasingly conscientious world, manufacturers are under significant pressure to prioritise corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their operations. The imperative has escalated as governments and customers continue to squeeze manufacturers on either side to action and incorporate CSR and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. According to the United Nations Global Impact (Business & Human Rights […]
Las 5 principales soluciones tecnológicas que impulsan la sostenibilidad social en las cadenas de suministro

Enhancing social sustainability in supply chains is a complex challenge for manufacturers. Throughout every tier of an ethical supply chain, they must commit to upholding social welfare considerations, ensuring sustainable labour practices, community engagement, and human rights preservation. While challenging, this approach is critical to upholding ethical standards, improving operational efficiency, minimising risks, and enticing […]
Por qué la fabricación ecológica no puede tener éxito sin el compromiso social

The global shift towards green manufacturing in line with net-zero commitments is accelerating, driven by ESG mandates. The European Union’s Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), for instance, requires social engagement with workers and stakeholders to produce green energy equipment locally. It is in response to the US$369 billion of green subsidies extended in the United States […]
Riesgos reputacionales: por qué la fabricación ética es vital para el progreso ESG

Establishing a robust and impactful Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework that is aligned with business and sustainable goals is no easy feat. It is nuanced and requires diligence by all manufacturers. As an industry, manufacturers are tasked with integrating ESG principles into the fabric of their operations and digital supply chain with urgency due […]
Protección de datos en la era de la fabricación inteligente

The era of smart manufacturing and building intelligent factories is transforming manufacturing as we know it. Industry 4.0 has brought on the swift adoption of powerful tools aided by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT), which has resulted in greater optimisation, and automation but also a large amount of […]
What role does green financing play in manufacturing to drive environmental sustainability?

The spotlight on environmental sustainability has never been brighter than in recent years. As more and more reports emerge about how dangerously close the world is in passing climate tipping points, more needs to be done by businesses and industries to address climate change and the growing environmental issues we face. Unsurprisingly, environmental sustainability has […]
Cómo la fabricación inteligente puede impulsar la sostenibilidad y la equidad

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the world has developed at an incredible pace in the last few centuries. Collectively, we have made several transformational leaps and bounds throughout history, and the rate of change is only getting faster over time. Part of this transformation includes the evolution of the manufacturing industry, and its […]
Optimización de la asignación de capital para ESG: estrategias clave para fabricantes

The focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors today cannot be overstated due to pressing climate issues. Consumers have taken notice and added increasing pressure on companies to take a stand and align ESG with business and operational goals. Many have heeded the call, with ESG-focused institutional investment expected to jump by 84% to […]
Comprender el impacto del transporte de larga distancia en la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro minera

Think about the last time you shopped online – where did your item get shipped from? Where was it made? How about the raw materials needed to produce these goods? There’s a high likelihood that your item had to pass through several stages in the supply chain and get transported across different locations before it […]
Qué nos depara el 2024: 5 tendencias de fabricación principales a tener en cuenta

In 2023, manufacturers faced significant challenges ranging from geopolitical instabilities, skills shortages, and supply chain disruptions, further adding to the overall turbulence in the sector. Yet, despite these hurdles, manufacturers have remained committed to digital and sustainable progress—as is our commitment to help the industry reach these important goals. Over the last 12 months, we […]
De la aspiración a la acción: un marco para que los fabricantes evalúen las prácticas sostenibles

Introducing COSIRI, a pioneering sustainability maturity index designed for manufacturing industries. COSIRI empowers industries to better leverage bottom-up insights to scale their sustainable transformation in line with existing corporate strategies and emissions reduction targets. In a world where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, COSIRI can serve as a valuable compass, guiding […]
Por qué los gemelos digitales son los pilares del metaverso de la fabricación

Industry 4.0 has driven significant change across the manufacturing industry in recent years. The focus on digital transformation and introducing new and modern digital capabilities have allowed manufacturers to achieve greater productivity, efficiency, and sustainability, with smart technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and big data powering these new tools. One critical tool that has emerged […]
Desarrollar la ciberresiliencia en una industria manufacturera cada vez más interconectada

Automation, smart robots, and big data have become ubiquitous in manufacturing today. From large, conventional factories to smaller, agile microfactories, many modern production processes depend on Industry 4.0 technologies driven by big data, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and more. This increased interconnectivity through IIoT has provided manufacturers with several benefits, from increased efficiency […]
Strategies for thriving in the digital era: Understanding intrinsic methodologies including Lean and Six Sigma; Smart Industry Readiness Indexin Türkiye
The trajectory towards operational efficiency is increasingly moving towards digitalisation. Compelling forecasts have suggested that lean principles and digital transformation will converge and intertwine as organisations progress on their transformation journeys. During the ‘Lean Six Sigma Day’ conference hosted by SOCAR Turkiye in August, INCIT served as part of the panel speakers, diving into various […]
How AI and hyperautomation drive sustainable manufacturing

Automation has changed businesses forever. By streamlining processes and creating new operational efficiencies, manufacturers have embraced automation as a core part of their operations, like most sectors. Although it is undeniable that automation has sparked unprecedented change, hyperautomation takes transformation to an entirely new level. The dramatic rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index in Azerbaijan: INCIT sets up Smart Industry Readiness Index training and examination centre with IMTI
The Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) is now in Azerbaijan! In July this year, we penned a shared commitment together with Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute (IMTI) to establish a Smart Industry Readiness Index Training and Examination Centre in the country. Azerbaijan manufacturers, industry practitioners, leaders, consultants and more now have easier access to becoming […]
Tres formas en las que los fabricantes pueden lograr un almacenamiento sostenible

The ever-rising mercury and consistent heatwaves over the years have laid bare the dire effects of global warming and climate change, highlighting the importance of going green for a more sustainable future. Manufacturers must be responsible and focus their green initiatives on sustainable measures where possible. An easily achievable win that manufacturers can focus on […]
INCIT partners Swiss Smart Factory to establish the ‘Smart Sustainable Manufacturing Transformation Centre’
The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has collaborated with Swiss Smart Factory to establish a customised manufacturing facility, named the ‘Smart Sustainable Manufacturing Transformation Centre (SSMTC)’. This innovative collaboration marks a significant step forward in advancing the principles of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. What is the significance of this collaboration? 1. Comprehensive Expertise […]
6 pasos para supervisar la transformación digital de extremo a extremo de las plantas de fabricación de próxima generación

Manufacturing facilities worldwide are becoming much more capable, enabling organisations to improve operational efficiency, engage with stakeholders in real time, and strengthen collaboration among departments. As such, more organisational leaders are seeking end-to-end digital approaches for their own manufacturing plants and facilities in a bid to push the boundaries of innovation. However, cut-throat competition, more […]
Análisis de datos de vanguardia: por qué las nuevas tecnologías por sí solas no pueden impulsar la fábrica del futuro

Data has been captured in various forms and has been an essential part of processes for centuries – from simple tallying markers and notes to complex spreadsheets and cloud storage. Today, the amount and volume of complex data, or big data, that is created and stored is staggering, with an estimated 2.5 billion gigabytes generated […]
INCIT launches LinkedIn newsletter ‘Manufacturing Insider’

The manufacturing industry’s digital transformation has progressed tremendously in recent years and is not showing signs of slowing down. To help our partners and network keep up with the latest trends and observations amid the constantly evolving industry landscape, we have launched our LinkedIn newsletter, ‘Manufacturing Insider’. With this new monthly LinkedIn newsletter, we aim […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index in China: TÜV SÜD conducts the first CSA training in China

INCIT is proud to share that its acceleration partner TÜV SÜD has recently concluded the first Certified Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessor (CSA) training in Suzhou, China. The training was conducted after the official opening of its CSA Training and Examination Centre at the Suzhou Industrial Park Bosch Intelligent Manufacturing Enabling Centre on 13 June […]
What is fair trade manufacturing and why is it important for global sustainability?

The fair trade manufacturing movement champions rigorous standards that promote sustainable livelihoods. It advocates for safe working conditions, protection of the environment, and stronger, more transparent supply chains. This movement is especially important for workers in developing nations who may have been victims of exploitative practices such as sweatshop labour. Other incidents, such as the […]
INCIT® es ahora una marca registrada: el portafolio de INCIT® crece rápidamente

¡Buenas noticias! Hemos registrado con éxito “INCIT” como marca comercial de International Centre for Industrial Transformation. Esto nos ayuda a consolidar y establecer nuestra marca para que podamos seguir aumentando nuestra presencia y alcance, tanto en la región como a nivel mundial. Además de impulsar la transformación de la Industria 4.0 a través del Índice de preparación para la industria inteligente (SIRI), […]
Cómo establecer un lugar de trabajo carbono neutral

When it comes to reducing their carbon footprint, most manufacturers tend to prioritise improving the energy efficiency of their production processes and supply chains. No less important to tackle, however, are carbon emissions related to the everyday workplace. Small changes to day-to-day office operations can greatly contribute to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, an improvement […]
Cómo el embalaje ecológico está dejando su huella en la industria manufacturera

A relatively broad term, “eco-packaging” refers to packaging that is physically designed to optimise materials and energy across its end-to-end life cycle, from raw materials to production to disposal. According to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, eco-packaging: Is beneficial, safe and healthy for use throughout its life cycle Meets market criteria for both performance and cost […]
La necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia del agua en la fabricación y cómo

Water has really played a pivotal role in the growth and development of society throughout the course of history, with considerable amounts consumed in various industries and through municipal use. The manufacturing industry is not excluded – in the US alone, over 18.2 billion gallons (68 billion litres) are used per day for industrial purposes. Water […]
New partner in Malaysia: Selangor Human Resource Development Centre

From 1 April 2023, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) will form a collaborative partnership with the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) to further our commitment to transforming manufacturing by addressing sustainability and talent development. At INCIT, we aim to catalyse industrial transformation to help the global manufacturing sector advance, develop and grow. […]
INCIT appoints SIT’s Associate Professor Yee Fook Cheong as first Academia Fellow in its global network

Wednesday, 22 March 2023, Singapore. The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has recently named Associate Professor Yee Fook Cheong of the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) an Academia Fellow of INCIT. Assoc Prof Yee is the first individual to join INCIT’s network of partners and collaborators in this capacity. A highly qualified and experienced […]
Global Sustainability Prioritisation Index to accelerate the journey to net zero for manufacturers

Monday, 27 February 2023, Singapore. At the recent World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) launched its Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index, or COSIRI. The first of its kind, COSIRI is an independent, manufacturer-centric framework that is set to benchmark the sustainability maturity of global industry players […]
Impacto de la eficiencia energética y la innovación en la fabricación de productos electrónicos

From industrial electronics to personal mobile devices, the electronics industry has had a significant impact on how society functions, and this continues even today. However, the growth of the electronics industry has led to severe environmental issues, with 4% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributed to it. Given global electricity demand is expected to rise […]
INCIT announces senior appointment in EMEA

INCIT has announced a new senior appointment as the global think tank continues to grow its operations internationally. Aykut Yeni has been appointed Business Development Director, to service the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) region and develop INCIT’s Partner and Data Analytics Membership. INCIT is rapidly growing its presence within this region and with this […]
Los líderes mundiales se reunieron en la Reunión Anual del Foro Económico Mundial 2023

Del 16 al 20 de enero de 2023, los líderes mundiales se reunieron en la Reunión Anual 2023 del Foro Económico Mundial (WEF) en Davos, Suiza, para debatir temas relacionados con el tema “Cooperación en un mundo fragmentado”. El evento marcó la 53.ª edición de la reunión anual del WEF, reafirmando el valor y el imperativo del diálogo y la cooperación público-privada. Los líderes […]
Convergencia TI/OT: desafíos y oportunidades en 2023

As manufacturers adopt Industry 4.0 and take steps to further digitalise, one area of focus that has emerged is the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT), or IT/OT convergence. Traditionally, IT and OT systems worked in silos as they governed different domains. OT is heavily involved in the physical world, such as […]
2022: Year in review
In the past year, world-changing global events, geopolitical instabilities and economic uncertainty have been the only constants in an ever-changing world. As industries and businesses continue to adapt to a world in flux, manufacturing has managed to come out even stronger than before, and the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has strived to serve […]
Fabricación inteligente y sostenible: uniendo tecnología limpia y fabricación avanzada

The rise of automation, machine learning and advanced technology in recent years has accelerated the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, leading to smarter and more efficient manufacturing processes. Through this integration of recent technological advancements into various processes and systems, manufacturing businesses have managed to boost productivity and efficiency – but more importantly, become […]
¿Está su fuerza laboral preparada para una mayor optimización en la fabricación de alimentos y bebidas?

As Industry 4.0 accelerates in the global manufacturing sector, an often-overlooked field is food and beverage (F&B) manufacturing. Although F&B manufacturing is not perceived to be as important as semiconductors, nor as flashy as electric vehicles, it undoubtedly plays a critical role in feeding the masses – and Industry 4.0 could help create a more […]