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Cleantech o tecnología de final de tubería: ¿qué deberían elegir los fabricantes?

Cuando piensa en la industria, ¿qué le viene a la cabeza? Tal vez el zumbido de las máquinas o la complejidad de las líneas de montaje. Sin embargo, más allá de estas imágenes y sonidos familiares, el movimiento global ambiental, social y de gobernanza (ESG) está transformando enormemente la imagen tradicional de la industria. ESG se ha convertido en una prioridad máxima en las salas de juntas de todo el mundo, lo que significa […]

Trending now: the top 7 cleantech solutions transforming smart manufacturing

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, leaders are actively transforming their operations with cutting-edge innovations, seamlessly integrating sustainability and technology in harmony with Industry 4.0. Manufacturers now have the power to revolutionise their smart manufacturing processes using cutting-edge cleantech solutions. They are using hydrogen to power their operations, a roboctopus to handle delicate items such as […]

Achieving net zero with cleantech: why transparency matters

In the race towards net zero, the manufacturing sector has joined many other global industries that are furiously working towards becoming more sustainable. To navigate the path to decarbonisation and reduce their environmental footprint, manufacturing leaders will require more cutting-edge technologies, such as cleantech. The Cambridge Dictionary defines clean technology or cleantech as a solution […]

Smart Sustainable Manufacturing – bringing together cleantech and advanced manufacturing

advanced manufacturing

The rise of automation, machine learning and advanced technology in recent years has accelerated the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, leading to smarter and more efficient manufacturing processes. Through this integration of recent technological advancements into various processes and systems, manufacturing businesses have managed to boost productivity and efficiency – but more importantly, become […]