Las 5 principales tendencias de fabricación que habrá que tener en cuenta en 2025
As we reflect on the trends that defined 2024, we recognise that the manufacturing industry is at a tipping point. With more emphasis and focus on advancing on all fronts – whether it is digitalisation, disruptive technology, operational excellence or ESG performance – CEOs must overcome critical challenges such as addressing their legacy systems, infrastructures, […]
Por qué los fabricantes deben defender la justicia ambiental: un llamado a las armas
In today’s fast-moving and complex world, business leaders have more to consider than ever before. With ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues driving the boardroom agenda, societal concerns such as environmental justice have become increasingly important for leaders to understand and address when developing policies and operational strategies. Environmental justice is a social movement that […]
De infractor a defensor de las emisiones: cómo la fabricación de CEO puede impulsar un cambio sostenible positivo
La industria manufacturera está al borde de un cambio transformador impulsado en gran medida por la agenda de sostenibilidad. Y las CEO están a la vanguardia de este cambio, ya que necesitan defender la sostenibilidad y la justicia ambiental y también adoptar tecnologías ecológicas innovadoras para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG). Sin embargo, a pesar de la necesidad apremiante de que todas las empresas, independientemente de su tamaño, […]
Dar la vuelta al guión: convertir los riesgos sociales de la industria manufacturera en beneficios
Social risks resemble unpredictable plot twists in a reality TV show—hard to keep up with and almost impossible to foresee. Social risk events can jeopardise a company’s social reputation and relationships. It is the corporate equivalent of accidentally sending an embarrassing email to a company’s entire client list; social risks are anything that tarnish the […]
El fabricante ético: cómo equilibrar el éxito corporativo con el bien social
In an increasingly conscientious world, manufacturers are under significant pressure to prioritise corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their operations. The imperative has escalated as governments and customers continue to squeeze manufacturers on either side to action and incorporate CSR and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. According to the United Nations Global Impact (Business & Human Rights […]
Las 5 principales soluciones tecnológicas que impulsan la sostenibilidad social en las cadenas de suministro
Enhancing social sustainability in supply chains is a complex challenge for manufacturers. Throughout every tier of an ethical supply chain, they must commit to upholding social welfare considerations, ensuring sustainable labour practices, community engagement, and human rights preservation. While challenging, this approach is critical to upholding ethical standards, improving operational efficiency, minimising risks, and enticing […]
Por qué la fabricación ecológica no puede tener éxito sin el compromiso social
El cambio global hacia la fabricación ecológica en línea con los compromisos de cero emisiones netas se está acelerando, impulsado por los mandatos ESG. La Ley de Industria Net-Zero (NZIA) de la Unión Europea, por ejemplo, exige el compromiso social con los trabajadores y las partes interesadas para producir equipos de energía ecológica a nivel local. Es una respuesta a los $1,369 mil millones de dólares en subsidios ecológicos otorgados en los Estados Unidos […]
The impact of a lack of ESG data governance on sustainability progress in manufacturing
The rising influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) expectations are starting to become more and more critical with every passing day for industries, inclusive of manufacturing, but there is a silver lining. It has been suggested by Forbes that ESG-focused activities can be “a golden opportunity to improve your business by adopting best practices […]
Optimización de la asignación de capital para ESG: estrategias clave para fabricantes
The focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors today cannot be overstated due to pressing climate issues. Consumers have taken notice and added increasing pressure on companies to take a stand and align ESG with business and operational goals. Many have heeded the call, with ESG-focused institutional investment expected to jump by 84% to […]
How to establish a carbon-neutral workplace
When it comes to reducing their carbon footprint, most manufacturers tend to prioritise improving the energy efficiency of their production processes and supply chains. No less important to tackle, however, are carbon emissions related to the everyday workplace. Small changes to day-to-day office operations can greatly contribute to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, an improvement […]
La necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia del agua en la fabricación y cómo
El agua ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el crecimiento y desarrollo de la sociedad a lo largo de la historia, con un consumo considerable en diversas industrias y en el ámbito municipal. La industria manufacturera no queda excluida: solo en los EE. UU. se utilizan más de 18.200 millones de galones (68.000 millones de litros) al día para fines industriales. El agua […]