INCIT se suma al diálogo sobre la transformación digital y la industria 4.0 de Qatar
El Ministerio de Finanzas, en colaboración con el Banco de Desarrollo de Qatar (QDB), organizó recientemente un importante evento en Qatar centrado en la transformación digital y la Industria 4.0. Este evento reunió a expertos de la industria, líderes de opinión y tomadores de decisiones de todo el mundo para debatir el futuro de las industrias y el comercio en Qatar. INCIT se enorgullece de haber participado […]
INCIT se une a los líderes de la industria en la Cumbre Global de Habilidades CII 2024
El International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) tuvo el honor de ser parte de la 11.ª Cumbre Global de Habilidades 2024 de la Confederación de la Industria India (CII), que se celebró el 10 de diciembre de 2024 en Nueva Delhi. Esta cumbre de gran impacto, cuyo tema era “Construir una reserva de talentos calificados resilientes: impulsar el crecimiento de la industria”, reunió a un grupo diverso de líderes mundiales, formuladores de políticas, […]
INCIT announces global strategic partnership with SENAI to drive industrial transformation in Brazil
30 July 2024, Brazil, Singapore –INCIT (International Centre for Industrial Transformation) is proud to announce a strategic partnership with SENAI (Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial) to support the transformation of the Brazilian manufacturing industry. Since this May, SENAI has moved forward with adopting the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) for Brasil Mais Produtivo, the most comprehensive […]
INCIT welcomes eminent scholar Prof. Jay Lee as scientific advisor for next Portfolio Project
INCIT is pleased to announce that Prof. Jay Lee will be the scientific advisor for our next Portfolio Project. Dr. Jay Lee is the Clark Distinguished Professor and Director of the Industrial AI Center at the University (Univ.) Mechanical Engineering Department of Maryland College Park. His current research is focused on developing non-traditional machine learning […]
2022: Year in review
In the past year, world-changing global events, geopolitical instabilities and economic uncertainty have been the only constants in an ever-changing world. As industries and businesses continue to adapt to a world in flux, manufacturing has managed to come out even stronger than before, and the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has strived to serve […]