Fabricar soluciones climáticas equitativas: equilibrar los riesgos con la sostenibilidad
As we near the middle of this decade, CEOs continue to face critical choices such as prioritising eco-friendly practices or risk falling behind. Manufacturing CEOs must adopt a holistic and integrated approach that balances climate risk management with environmental justice to tackle climate change head-on. Environmental justice means ensuring equal protection from environmental hazards and […]
La economía circular: cinco formas eficaces de reducir los residuos y recuperar ganancias financieras
A medida que la fabricación de CEO se enfrenta a las demandas actuales, como la reducción de residuos, las iniciativas de economía circular presentan una opción atractiva para que los líderes cumplan con sus objetivos financieros y de sostenibilidad. Varias empresas, como Apple, H&M y Patagonia, han demostrado cómo las prácticas de cadena de suministro sostenible no solo reducen los residuos, sino que también impulsan el rendimiento fiscal y la responsabilidad corporativa. Apple […]
De infractor a defensor de las emisiones: cómo la fabricación de CEO puede impulsar un cambio sostenible positivo
La industria manufacturera está al borde de un cambio transformador impulsado en gran medida por la agenda de sostenibilidad. Y las CEO están a la vanguardia de este cambio, ya que necesitan defender la sostenibilidad y la justicia ambiental y también adoptar tecnologías ecológicas innovadoras para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG). Sin embargo, a pesar de la necesidad apremiante de que todas las empresas, independientemente de su tamaño, […]
Ensuring manufacturing compliance: a critical imperative for business success
In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, CEOs must view compliance as more than a legal obligation—it’s a cornerstone of trust and a fundamental requirement for global business. By adhering to regulations and standards, you ensure product safety, quality, and ethical practices, which are essential for maintaining consumer confidence and avoiding costly penalties. Neglecting compliance leads to […]
Las 5 principales formas en que los fabricantes CEO pueden abordar de manera experta la mitigación del riesgo social
In the dynamic landscape of the evolving manufacturing sector, social risk mitigation has risen to prominence as a crucial business pillar demanding the attention of today’s modern CEO. To effectively navigate this realm, leaders must not only prioritise social risk mitigation but also champion human sustainability—a cornerstone initiative that involves businesses making positive contributions to […]
EUDR and how COSIRI-24 can help
The impact of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Understanding the implications of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is crucial for companies to ensure compliance and mitigate risks. Effective December 30, 2024, the EUDR will require businesses to submit comprehensive Due Diligence Statements. This new regulation is set to impact numerous industries by mandating proof that […]
Fabricación de sostenibilidad social: potenciando el cambio e impulsando el crecimiento empresarial
In the current modern marketplace, discerning consumers and investors are becoming more and more attuned to the need for commercial production to uphold rigorous environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, supporting their values of stewardship for the planet and the community. What does the “social” in ESG mean to manufacturers? Social sustainability in manufacturing involves […]
Cómo la fabricación inteligente puede impulsar la sostenibilidad y la equidad
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the world has developed at an incredible pace in the last few centuries. Collectively, we have made several transformational leaps and bounds throughout history, and the rate of change is only getting faster over time. Part of this transformation includes the evolution of the manufacturing industry, and its […]
¿Es viable la financiación digital para la sostenibilidad manufacturera?
Money is no longer just cash or coins. Today you’ll find more instances of digital transactions compared to physical money, with cash use declining year each year. The growing adoption of digital solutions has naturally reshaped the financial landscape, leading to industries worldwide adopting new digital financing options to support their business initiatives. With sustainability […]
Qué nos depara el 2024: 5 tendencias de fabricación principales a tener en cuenta
In 2023, manufacturers faced significant challenges ranging from geopolitical instabilities, skills shortages, and supply chain disruptions, further adding to the overall turbulence in the sector. Yet, despite these hurdles, manufacturers have remained committed to digital and sustainable progress—as is our commitment to help the industry reach these important goals. Over the last 12 months, we […]
Global Sustainability Prioritisation Index to accelerate the journey to net zero for manufacturers
Monday, 27 February 2023, Singapore. At the recent World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) launched its Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index, or COSIRI. The first of its kind, COSIRI is an independent, manufacturer-centric framework that is set to benchmark the sustainability maturity of global industry players […]
INCIT lanza el Índice Global de Priorización de la Sostenibilidad COSIRI: abiertas las inscripciones para formación y examen
INCIT has launched its newest framework, the Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI). COSIRI is an unbiased, structured manufacturer-centric framework that is set to benchmark the sustainability maturity of global industry players and their ESG transparency and reporting. It provides a holistic view, incorporating all sustainability elements. Designed with Development Partner McKinsey & Company, COSIRI will […]