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L'industria parla per promuovere la trasformazione della produzione

Jesmond Hong

Direttore operativo, International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)

Jesmond Hong is an accomplished executive known for his operational excellence and strategic leadership. As Chief Operating Officer, Jesmond oversees INCIT’s day-to-day operations, spearheads initiatives to enhance efficiency, and maximise productivity, ensures seamless execution of strategic objectives and fosters collaboration and innovation between INCIT and its partners. Prior to INCIT, Jesmond served as manager for business development and operations, playing a pivotal role in driving new business strategies, expansion of customer base and streamline financial portfolio of the organisation to maximise profits and minimise overheads.

Specializzato in

In evidenza in

In arrivo

Sungsup Ra

Membro del comitato consultivo, International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)
A professional portrait of a smiling man wearing a black blazer over a white shirt, against a light gray background.

Sri Narasimhan

Direttore, Soluzioni strategiche, Tata Communications
A person with short hair and a slight smile is shown outdoors with a cityscape in the background. They are wearing a dark jacket and white shirt.

Edoardo Hubbard

Direttore vendite globali, Faradai
A man with short hair in a blue suit and white shirt smiles in an outdoor setting with blurred greenery in the background.

Nick Miesen

Responsabile globale delle operazioni digitali, Henkel
A man wearing glasses and a blue suit with a dotted tie smiles at the camera against a plain background.

Giuseppe, Hongbum Jung

Amministratore delegato di HMGICS
Silhouette of a generic person with short hair on a light blue background.

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