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Akebono와 함께 디지털 우수성을 향한 과정 계획

Case study | 
8월 19, 2024 | 
PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia


As the global automotive industry adapts to the challenges posed by the pandemic, PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia (AAIJ) is taking its digital transformation efforts to the next level with the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI). AAIJ is addressing the evolving demands in the brake pad sector by embracing innovative technologies and sustainable practices. By leveraging SIRI, AAIJ is not only optimising its manufacturing processes but also strengthening its resilience and competitive edge in the post-pandemic landscape.

Discover how this forward-thinking approach is helping AAIJ set new benchmarks and what it could mean for the future of brake pads and the automotive components industry.

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회사 소개

PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia is a leading manufacturer of Automotive Brake Components, dedicated to innovation and quality. Established as a joint venture between Akebono Brake Industry Japan and PT. Astra Otoparts Indonesia, the company supplies brake components to 70% of the Indonesian automotive market. With a commitment to leveraging advanced technologies and digital solutions, PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia continues to set industry standards in product excellence and operational efficiency.

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