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SIRI in the Spotlight: Validating Haier Group’s digitalisation programme

비디오 | 
3월 18, 2022 | 
Haier Group


Haier Group undertook a multi-site Official SIRI Assessment to gain a deeper understanding of their facilities’ 4IR maturity levels. This assessment enabled Haier to uncover blind spots within their operations and benchmark their facilities’ Industry 4.0 transformation against industry standards and competitors. By pinpointing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, Haier could validate their progress and make informed decisions to enhance their competitive edge in the market.

Check out this video below to see how Haier successfully utilised SIRI to validate its digitalisation programmes!

회사 소개

Founded in 1984, Haier Group is a leading global provider of better life and digital transformation solutions. Based on the purpose of “More Creation, More Possibilities”, they are committed to co-create infinite possibilities for a better life with users, and to co-create infinite possibilities for industrial development with the ecological partners.

Being an iconic company in the real economy, they’ve always been user centered, adhered to original technology and built a landscape of three pillars, Smart Living, Comprehensive Health and Industrial Internet. They have built 10 R&D centers, 71 research institutes, 35 industrial parks, 143 manufacturing centers and a sales network of 230,000 nodes around the world. They are the world’s only IoT Ecosystem Brand that has been ranked in the Kantar BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands for six consecutive years.

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