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Dr. Elisa Roth

Co-Founder and CEO, Augmented Industries

Dr. Elisa Roth is a dedicated industrial engineer with a passion for workforce empowerment, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. She is driven by her commitment to contribute positively to the global manufacturing community. With her visionary, offbeat thinking, she constantly strives to shift boundaries and challenge the status-quo for a future that works for all.

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Jesmond Hong

Dyrektor operacyjny, International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)

Sungsup Ra

Członek rady doradczej, International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)
A professional portrait of a smiling man wearing a black blazer over a white shirt, against a light gray background.

Śri Narasimhan

Dyrektor ds. rozwiązań strategicznych, Tata Communications
A person with short hair and a slight smile is shown outdoors with a cityscape in the background. They are wearing a dark jacket and white shirt.

Edward Hubbard

Dyrektor ds. sprzedaży globalnej, Faradai
A man with short hair in a blue suit and white shirt smiles in an outdoor setting with blurred greenery in the background.

Nick Miesen

Globalny szef operacji cyfrowych, Henkel
A man wearing glasses and a blue suit with a dotted tie smiles at the camera against a plain background.

Józef, Hongbum Jung

Dyrektor generalny HMGICS

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