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COSIRI alinha-se com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da ONU

COSIRI Lines Up With UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  | 
dezembro 16, 2024 | 
International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations provide a comprehensive framework for addressing global challenges such as climate change, pollution, clean energy, and education. These goals are designed to be a universal call to action, urging all sectors of society, including businesses, to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world. Achieving these goals requires a collaborative effort, with each sector playing a crucial role in driving progress.

The Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI) is a tool that helps organizations identify and improve gaps in their efforts. COSIRI is closely aligned with the SDGs. As specific SDGs are mapped to relevant COSIRI dimensions, companies can systematically improve their sustainability performance and integrate them into their core operations. This alignment not only enhances corporate responsibility but also drives innovation, efficiency, and long-term success.

This article explores how various SDGs align with COSIRI dimensions, highlighting the interconnectedness of sustainable development and industry practices. By understanding these connections, companies can better contribute to global sustainability efforts, ensuring that their actions support broader societal goals. This integrated approach is essential for creating a sustainable future where economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection go hand in hand.

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O International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) é uma instituição Ambiental, Social e de Governança (ESG) que defende a transformação da manufatura. Como uma entidade independente sem fins lucrativos, o INCIT (pronuncia-se “insight”) colabora com organizações relacionadas à manufatura dos setores público e privado para dar suporte à transformação industrial, para permitir que a manufatura global se torne mais resiliente e produtiva, e melhor posicionada para o sucesso futuro.

Desenvolvemos e implantamos estruturas, ferramentas, conceitos, programas de treinamento e certificação referenciados globalmente para a comunidade internacional de manufatura, a fim de aumentar a conscientização sobre os últimos desenvolvimentos de transformação e tendências de manufatura, fornecer referências internacionais, publicamente disponíveis e quantitativas, e facilitar o compartilhamento de pontos de aprendizagem, desafios e melhores práticas para a transformação industrial.

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