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INCIT mở rộng phạm vi khu vực thông qua việc bổ nhiệm Giám đốc Phát triển Kinh doanh EMEA

INCIT is expanding our regional coverage to serve customers within their own time zones. To that end, we welcome Aykut Yeni, our new Business Development Director EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa).

Aykut is located in the European time zone and will look after Region 2, which comprises Europe, Middle East, and Africa. His main responsibility is to grow and develop INCIT’s Partner and Data Analytics Membership in the region.

A highly skilled manufacturing engineer and consultant, Aykut has over 15 years of experience in a variety of businesses in an international context. As a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and assessor, he has worked with blue-chip companies and advised customers in the automotive and aerospace industries.

He provides digital maturity assessment, training and consulting services, and assists businesses in obtaining profound insights that can help accelerate their business and digital transformation. Aykut is a Certified Chỉ số sẵn sàng cho ngành công nghiệp thông minh (SIRI) Assessor and brings to the table additional expertise in Supply Chain Optimisation, Digital Transformation and Process Optimisation.

If you are an organisation that operates in Region 2 (EMEA) and would like to learn more about what INCIT can do for you, please contact us by clicking đây.


For more information, refer to our press release.

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