取得平衡:製造業負責任地使用土地的 5 項重要策略
聲譽風險:為什麼道德製造對 ESG 進展至關重要
建立一個與業務和永續目標一致、穩健且有影響力的環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 框架並非易事。它是微妙的,需要所有製造商的勤奮。作為一個行業,製造商的任務是緊急地將 ESG 原則融入其營運和數位供應鏈結構中 [...]
In an interconnected world linked and driven by world trade, maintaining efficient and sustainable supply chains can make a significant difference in operational effectiveness and achieving greener outcomes. The focus on supply chains is not misplaced – it’s been found that around 50% to 70% of operating costs and over 90% of an organisation’s greenhouse […]