In collaboration with training and certification partner, TÜV SÜD, INCIT conducted a guided Index der Bereitschaft für intelligente Industrien (SIRI) assessment for ITIDA and IMC candidates in Egypt. This culminated in a visit to the Industry 4.0 Innovation Center (IIC) in the “Knowledge City” based in the New Administrative Capital, a new city emerging 30 miles east of Cairo as a part of the country’s economic development push.
To drive Industry 4.0 advancements and elevate its manufacturing sector, Egypt is investing significantly in the New Administrative Capital’s telecommunications and Information Communications Technology infrastructure. The “Knowledge City”, the first phase, features research centers, training facilities, and development hubs. Egypt’s first Industry 4.0 Innovation Center (IIC) is led by the Information Technology Industry Development Agency, Industrial Modernization Center (IIC), and Siemens Egypt. The IIC focuses on advancing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, supporting local manufacturers in adopting cutting-edge innovations.
Earlier in July, candidates attended the Smart Industry Readiness Index Training and Certification Programme workshop, which covers key Industry 4.0 concepts and elements including Process, Technology, and Organisation. The workshop has helped to impart candidates with comprehensive methodologies on the Smart Industry Readiness Index Framework and Assessment, active learning techniques and how to provide strategic recommendations essential for effective assessment and evaluation.
The Smart Industry Readiness Index ideology is poised to strengthen capabilities, drive efficiency, and accelerate the development of smart factories and industrial innovation, positioning Egypt’s manufacturing sector for a dynamic future.
Der International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) ist ein unabhängiges, nichtstaatliches Institut, das mit der Vision gegründet wurde, die globale Transformation der Fertigung weltweit voranzutreiben. INCIT mit Hauptsitz in Singapur arbeitet mit Herstellern auf ihrem Weg zur Industrie 4.0 zusammen und treibt als vertrauenswürdiger Partner Innovationen mit seinen weltweit anerkannten Frameworks, Tools, Konzepten und Programmen voran, um den Aufstieg einer intelligenten und nachhaltigen Fertigung zu ermöglichen.
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