
Strategies for thriving in the digital era: Understanding intrinsic methodologies including Lean and Six Sigma; Smart Industry Readiness Indexin Türkiye


| 10月 2, 2023

The trajectory towards operational efficiency is increasingly moving towards digitalisation. Compelling forecasts have suggested that lean principles and digital transformation will converge and intertwine as organisations progress on their transformation journeys.

During the ‘Lean Six Sigma Day’ conference hosted by SOCAR Turkiye in August, INCIT served as part of the panel speakers, diving into various topics during the “Digital Transformation and Lean: Enhancing Efficiency in Business Process” session.

This event included a diverse community of continuous improvement experts, students, and academics in the business realm, offering a priceless opportunity for the exchange of experiences, insights, and engaging discussions on forward-looking business strategies.

A man and woman shaking hands at a business event.


Moore’s Law, Metcalfe’s Law and Watson’s Law

The panel discussion commenced with INCIT diving into the dynamic interplay of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. The synergy between these methodologies were interwoven with a few philosophies.

First, we looked at Moore’s visionary observations on the relentless progression and cost efficiencies of technologies.

During Moore’s Law Era, focus was mostly on the race for computing supremacy. Giants like IBM and HP emerged as pioneers, harnessing technological potentials to craft servers that not only churned out computations at lightning speed, but also revolutionised transaction efficiency for their clientele.

Delving deeper, INCIT ventured into Metcalfe’s Law Era, a significant testament to the exponential expansion of network reach and its resultant value.

Metcalfe’s Law Era expands on a time when networks held the keys to unprecedented market dynamics. Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook emerged as titans, reaping huge market shares by virtue of their network ownership. It was an era where the power of connectivity became a force to be reckon with, reshaping industries and propelling these giants to heights of influence and innovation that would redefine a generation.

The scope of this growth was inspiring as it illustrated the immense potential that lies with our interconnected world.

As the discussion progressed, INCIT continued by exploring the Watson’s Law Era. This era was a pivotal moment in the evolution of learning and knowledge, during which there was extremely strong emphasis on the importance of knowledge and insight to set oneself as a true differentiator over time.

Here, companies with the acumen to not only possess vast knowledge, but also the foresight to train their systems to extract value from them proved to be the ones pushing ahead of competitors. Seasoned enterprises with years of accumulated expertise rose to the forefront, setting themselves apart and claiming victory in this era of wisdom-driven competition.

However, this also brought along various challenges. Martec’s Law served as a stark reminder of the lightning-fast pace at which technology evolves, and how crucial it is for organisations to constantly adapt and keep pace.


Smart Industry Readiness Index in Turkey

The rate of digital transformation is accelerating, but there are still lots to do when combining digital transformation with Lean and Six Sigma. Technology changes exponentially fast, yet organisations change logarithmically slow. Managements must strategically choose which technological changes to embrace, given the highly constrained bandwidth for absorbing organizational changes.

As this gap widens over time, it eventually requires a reset of the organisation.

The significance of Smart Industry Readiness Index presents itself in this scenario with its strong relevance in the content of digital transformation, and through the comprehensive assessments conducted by leveraging this prioritisation index.

With Smart Industry Readiness Index , organisations can now accurately assess their digital maturity levels, pinpoint areas for improvement and have generated transformation roadmaps to guide them in their journeys. This eventually allows the organisations to improve their organisational output, drive productivity, increase operational efficiency and develop better business strategies.

It also served to highlight the substantial untapped potential and impact that Smart Industry Readiness Index can have on a global scale which is indicative of the extensive journeys that lie ahead.

With this, INCIT concluded its sharing session by providing a meticulous analysis of Smart Industry Readiness Index’s impact specific to Turkiye. This contextualised evaluation shed revealing light on areas that can be enhanced and offered valuable insights to the other distinguished panel participants as well as conference attendees.

Learn more about the Smart Industry Readiness Index at https://siri.incit.org or email us at contactus@incit.org.


