International Centre for Industrial Transformation(INCIT)は、製造業の変革を加速させるために、フィリピン貿易産業省(DTI)と協力し、フィリピン全土でのスマート産業準備指数(SIRI)フレームワークの導入を促進する契約を締結しました。
According to this new agreement, which was inked in an official ceremony held today at the Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) 2022 event, the partnership will contribute towards the DTI’s new science, technology, and innovation-driven industry strategy, which aims to leverage innovation to expand economic opportunities in the country and catalyse inclusive, sustainable and resilient industrialisation. The roll-out of Smart Industry Readiness Index in manufacturing facilities across the Philippines will be supported financially by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

(Back row, from left): Mr Arndt Husar, Ms Joyleen E. Santos, Ms Low Yen Ling, Mr Francisco Betti.
(Front row, from left): Ms Ashikin Ahmad, Dr Rafaelita M. Aldaba.
Raimund Klein, CEO and Founder of INCIT, believes Smart Industry Readiness Index and its associated tools, frameworks and programmes will have a tangible, positive impact on the Philippine manufacturing sector, boosting adoption of Industry 4.0 and helping to raise productivity and grow the industry, to benefit individual manufacturers, the broader industry, and the government and populace of the Philippines.
“The adoption of Smart Industry Readiness Index will enable manufacturers throughout the Philippines to unlock the full potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, so they can rapidly grow and develop. This will in turn boost productivity, to help improve standards of living across the nation and position Philippine manufacturing for future success,” he said.
This partnership marks the first time an ASEAN country has partnered with INCIT to adopt the Smart Industry Readiness Index framework as a national index, and represents the successful scale-up of a pilot initiated in 2021 by ADB, as part of the World Economic Forum Global Smart Industry Readiness Index Initiative. The ADB has chosen Smart Industry Readiness Index as a key tool to support socio-economic development within the manufacturing sectors of its developing member countries in Asia Pacific.
According to Undersecretary Rafaelita M. Aldaba, Undersecretary for the Competitiveness and Innovation Group, DTI, the adoption of Smart Industry Readiness Index throughout the Philippines will be critical in enabling an industrial transformation that is based on solid, reliable and accurate data and insights.
“Through science, technology and innovation, and the use of essential digital technologies, Philippine industries would be in a better position to face competition in both domestic and export markets and pave the way for industrial transformation. In this regard, the utilisation of Smart Industry Readiness Index will be critical in supporting firms and industries that are shifting to new technologies by providing deeper awareness and understanding of digital transformation and assistance to firms in assessing their technology readiness and formulation of their firm-level Industry 4.0 roadmaps.”
Smart Industry Readiness Index provides a framework to help solve every production problem, whether across silos, processes, technologies, or the organisation itself, while at the same time increasing productivity. It allows manufacturers to prioritise their key focus areas, so that resources can be adequately allocated to deliver the greatest impact.
DTI は、革新的で競争力があり、雇用を創出し、包括的なビジネスを可能にし、消費者に力を与えることを任務とするフィリピン政府の行政機関です。DTI は、革新的で世界的に競争力のある製造業、農業、サービス産業を成長させ、国内および世界のバリュー チェーンにおけるそれらの連携を強化し、国内でより多くの雇用と起業の機会を生み出す包括的で持続可能な成長を達成することを目指す、新しい科学、技術、革新主導の産業戦略を実施しています。
International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) の詳細
INCIT’s mission is to develop internationally referenced frameworks, tools, concepts and programs to raise awareness and educate the international manufacturing community on the latest transformation developments and trends in manufacturing. Smart Industry Readiness Index is one of these tools.
Everything we do is aimed at creating a more sustainable future. Our tools and frameworks provide international standards that allow unbiased benchmarking, which can drive continuous improvement and growth in manufacturing. With a focus on future-proofing and integrating ESG seamlessly into an organisation’s operations, our tools and frameworks help the manufacturing sector and the world at large progress and grow, to benefit all.