

As we reflect on the trends that defined 2024, we recognise that the manufacturing industry is at a tipping point. With more emphasis and focus on advancing on all fronts – whether it is digitalisation, disruptive technology, operational excellence or ESG performance – CEOs must overcome critical challenges such as addressing their legacy systems, infrastructures, and archaic ways of operating. Advancements in these areas are crucial, especially as we anticipate that 2025 is the year of step-change transformation – where incremental change is no longer sufficient and instead, a significant uplift in performance is required, paving the way to not only achieve Industry 4.0 but also become Industry 5.0-ready. According […]

INCITとIDSMO: 産業革新と成長のための戦略的パートナーシップ

The 66th session of the Executive Council of the Arab Industrial Development, Standardization, and Mining Organization (IDSMO) took place in Agadir, Morocco, from 19-21 November 2024. This session brought together delegations from 11 Arab countries and underscored the region’s ongoing commitment to industrial advancement, standardisation, and economic development. A significant highlight of the session was the participation of Dr. Jesmond Hong, Chief Operating Officer of the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT). Dr. Hong’s involvement exemplified the importance of international collaboration in fostering industrial transformation across the Arab region. During the session, Eng. Adel Al-Saqr, the Director General of IDSMO, signed a pivotal cooperation agreement with Dr. Hong, aimed at […]

私たちの足元に潜む危機 – 製造業における土壌汚染の汚点

According to the United Nations (UN), soil pollution is ‘jeopardising’ life on Earth, and the manufacturing sector is one of the top contributors globally. However, manufacturers face significant challenges in effectively addressing soil pollution due to the complexity of contamination sources, technically demanding and costly remediation processes, and ensuring operational efficiency at the same time. Soil pollution manifests differently across manufacturing sectors, contributing to the soil problem in various ways. In the textile segment, the fast-fashion oversupply problem leads to harmful chemical release into soil pollution, as unsold garments often end up in landfills, as reported by the Guardian. In electronics manufacturing, the improper dumping of unsafe materials like lead […]

Striking a balance: the top 5 strategies for responsible land use in manufacturing

The Earth’s land is a finite resource. Historically, little consideration has been given to the impact of our actions and practices or the state in which we will leave the land for future generations – until now. With the increasing global demand for products, the manufacturing sector isn’t slowing down anytime soon, yet it remains one of the world’s top polluters. It also plays a critical role in driving positive change and making a difference in protecting Mother Earth. Leaders themselves can take the lead in such change, including how they use the land for their operations to reduce their businesses’ environmental footprint. The pressure on manufacturers isn’t going away […]

Manufacturing equitable climate solutions: balancing risks with sustainability

As we near the middle of this decade, CEOs continue to face critical choices such as prioritising eco-friendly practices or risk falling behind. Manufacturing CEOs must adopt a holistic and integrated approach that balances climate risk management with environmental justice to tackle climate change head-on. Environmental justice means ensuring equal protection from environmental hazards and decision-making access for all people, addressing pollution and access to clean air and water, regardless of race, colour, origin, or income. As the world’s largest polluting sector, responsible for one-fifth of global carbon emissions, manufacturing plays a critical role in advancing the sustainability agenda by addressing environmental justice and climate transition together. Unfortunately, climate change […]


In the dynamic and constantly evolving world of manufacturing, Industry 4.0 stands as a beacon of transformation globally, particularly in Southeast Asia, which has an emerging economy and where innovative technologies can fast-track rapid progress. During a recent conversation on The Deep Dive podcast, Alvarez & Marsal Southeast Asia and APAC Senior Director Tingfeng Ye and the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder Raimund Klein discussed the transformative effects of Industry 4.0 across Southeast Asia’s manufacturing sector and the significant technological advancements propelling growth in the industry. They also distinguished the operational and strategic differences between top-performing multinational corporations (MNCs) and small—to medium-sized enterprises […]

Reputational Risks: Why Ethical Manufacturing is Vital to ESG progress

Establishing a robust and impactful Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework that is aligned with business and sustainable goals is no easy feat. It is nuanced and requires diligence by all manufacturers. As an industry, manufacturers are tasked with integrating ESG principles into the fabric of their operations and digital supply chain with urgency due to the intensifying societal pressure on the industry to better manage its environmental footprint and social impact on workers. Globally, the manufacturing industry has been reported by Gartner to be one of the largest producers of all global emissions, approximately 50 per cent combined with the transport sector. However, manufacturing has other various pitfalls beyond emissions […]


Money is no longer just cash or coins. Today you’ll find more instances of digital transactions compared to physical money, with cash use declining year each year. The growing adoption of digital solutions has naturally reshaped the financial landscape, leading to industries worldwide adopting new digital financing options to support their business initiatives. With sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) now a critical consideration for manufacturing companies worldwide, manufacturers are increasingly turning to digital financing to support their sustainability initiatives. Digital financing, also known as online financing, refers to the use of digital platforms and technologies to facilitate financial transactions, including lending, investing, and fundraising. This method of financing […]

What’s in store for 2024: 5 top manufacturing trends to watch

In 2023, manufacturers faced significant challenges ranging from geopolitical instabilities, skills shortages, and supply chain disruptions, further adding to the overall turbulence in the sector. Yet, despite these hurdles, manufacturers have remained committed to digital and sustainable progress—as is our commitment to help the industry reach these important goals. Over the last 12 months, we explored several important topics for the sector at large including advancing shopfloor intelligence, creating a circular economy, the importance of fair trade manufacturing, the rise of digital supply chains, the potential of microfactories, AI and hyperautomation, developing increased cyber resilience, why hyper-personalisation is changing production, and generative AI and the industrial metaverse. We covered significant […]

How AI and hyperautomation drive sustainable manufacturing

Automation has changed businesses forever. By streamlining processes and creating new operational efficiencies, manufacturers have embraced automation as a core part of their operations, like most sectors. Although it is undeniable that automation has sparked unprecedented change, hyperautomation takes transformation to an entirely new level. The dramatic rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in recent years has led to a growth in manufacturing hyperautomation, with the hyperautomation market forecast to reach US$82.2 billion by 2028. Research by Salesforce also found that four out of five companies plan to include hyperautomation in their technology roadmaps by 2024. While advanced automation tools effectively deliver process efficiencies, the question is, do […]

Cutting-edge data analytics: why newer technologies alone cannot power the factory of the future

Cutting-edge data analytics: why newer technologies alone cannot power the factory of the future

Data has been captured in various forms and has been an essential part of processes for centuries – from simple tallying markers and notes to complex spreadsheets and cloud storage. Today, the amount and volume of complex data, or big data, that is created and stored is staggering, with an estimated 2.5 billion gigabytes generated daily. In manufacturing, there is a rapidly growing amount of data that is created and distributed with smarter and interconnected technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices now integrated into operational systems. However, without a proficient grasp of big data utilisation and analysis, the data will be reduced […]


What is fair trade manufacturing and why is it important for global sustainability

The fair trade manufacturing movement champions rigorous standards that promote sustainable livelihoods. It advocates for safe working conditions, protection of the environment, and stronger, more transparent supply chains. This movement is especially important for workers in developing nations who may have been victims of exploitative practices such as sweatshop labour. Other incidents, such as the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh in 2013, also shine a spotlight on the unsafe working conditions that workers in many nations are subjected to. Besides the human cost, environmental protection is also deeply ingrained in fair trade manufacturing. In times of worsening climate conditions, manufacturers need to institute fair trade manufacturing and play our part […]

APAC ネットワークインタビュー: 製造業は気候変動の課題に立ち向かえるか?

With manufacturing responsible for two-thirds of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, companies within the industry must re-evaluate their sustainability goals and efforts and identify new ways to reduce their emissions. This growing focus on sustainability has driven innovation in manufacturing, leading to increasing use of advanced solutions like re-manufacturing and artificial intelligence to give many companies’ green efforts a boost. But more still needs to be done for global manufacturing to achieve its sustainability goals and reach its Net Zero objectives. To explore the latest manufacturing insights and how manufacturers can innovate further, INCIT CEO Raimund Klein and Francisco Betti, member of INCIT’s Board of Directors and Head of […]