Striking a balance: the top 5 strategies for responsible land use in manufacturing
The Earth’s land is a finite resource. Historically, little consideration has been given to the impact of our actions and practices or the state in which we will leave the land for future generations – until now. With the increasing global demand for products, the manufacturing sector isn’t slowing down anytime soon, yet it remains one of the world’s top polluters. It also plays a critical role in driving positive change and making a difference in protecting Mother Earth. Leaders themselves can take the lead in such change, including how they use the land for their operations to reduce their businesses’ environmental footprint. The pressure on manufacturers isn’t going away […]
It is no question that Industry 4.0 digital transformation has significantly altered the manufacturing landscape. Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation enable manufacturers to boost operational efficiency, achieving a significant lift in productivity (up to a 15% to 30% increase) and a significant reduction in downtime (a decrease between 30% and 50%). These technological innovations have also led to the wider emergence of microfactories. Microfactories are smaller factories that leverage cutting-edge tools and solutions to gain a competitive advantage while offering new levels of flexibility and scalability that larger, conventional factories struggle to achieve. Using AI, machine learning, big data, and other innovative technologies has made waste elimination, process […]