Expand your course portfolio with us
Onboarding process
Begin by acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to effectively comprehend and apply our frameworks. Attend our training and certification programme and get certified as an assessor.
As part of the accreditation process, ensure that a minimum of two individuals within your organisation are certified assessors. This ensures comprehensive coverage and proficiency in delivering our frameworks effectively.
Participate in the train-the-trainer programme conducted by INCIT to learn how to effectively conduct and deliver the course and coursework materials.
Embark on your journey as a training and certification provider for our frameworks, delivering excellence and transformative training experiences, empowering individuals and organisations with invaluable knowledge and skills.
SIRI は、製造業者向けの世界初の独立したデジタル成熟度評価です。規模や業界を問わず、製造業者がデジタル変革の取り組みを開始、拡大、維持するのに役立つ一連のフレームワークとツールで構成されています。
Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI)
COSIRI は、製造業者が持続可能性の準備状況を評価するのを支援するために設計された、先駆的な持続可能性成熟度指数です。COSIRI により、製造業者は現場レベルでも洞察を得ることができ、企業戦略や排出削減目標に沿って持続可能性変革を推進することができます。
Partners in excellence
British Standard Institution (BSI)
Selangor Human Resource Development Centre