우리는 누구인가
우리가 하는 일

제스몬드 홍

Jesmond Hong is an accomplished executive known for his operational excellence and strategic leadership. As Chief Operating Officer, Jesmond oversees INCIT’s day-to-day operations, spearheads initiatives to enhance efficiency, and maximise productivity, ensures seamless execution of strategic objectives and fosters collaboration and innovation between INCIT and its partners. Prior to INCIT, Jesmond served as manager for […]

성섭 라

As former Deputy Director-General (DDG) at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Sungsup Ra spearheads ADB-wide initiatives aimed at fostering knowledge-based innovation, facilitating collaboration, and promoting sovereign operations across all sectors. Previously, he held key positions including Chief Sector Officer of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Director of the South Asia Human and Social […]

스리 나라심한

A professional portrait of a smiling man wearing a black blazer over a white shirt, against a light gray background.

Srivathsan Narasimhan (Sri), Strategic Solutions at Tata Communications is responsible for leading a team of strategic solution specialists in the APAC region to provide consultancy and capture our customers’ business needs and accordingly look at potential solutions to enable them for their digital transformation. Sri has about 20+ years of extensive experience in the Comtech […]

에드워드 허버드

A person with short hair and a slight smile is shown outdoors with a cityscape in the background. They are wearing a dark jacket and white shirt.

Edward is a commercially focused, client-facing leader. He is experienced in developing teams that grow business profitably and sustainably while delivering excellent customer service. Working with property directors, heads of facilities and sustainability teams, Edward helps blue chips and businesses in the commercial property and hospitality sectors reduce their environmental impact.

닉 마이센

A man with short hair in a blue suit and white shirt smiles in an outdoor setting with blurred greenery in the background.

Nick은 다양한 다국적 기업과 공동 창립한 스타트업에서 15년 이상의 근무 경험을 쌓았습니다. 그는 경력을 쌓는 동안 R&D, 혁신, 운영 우수성 및 디지털 분야에서 혁신 경험을 쌓았습니다. 그는 화려한 경력 외에도 항공 우주 공학 박사 학위, 물리학 및 천문학 석사 학위를 취득했으며 […]

조셉, 홍범 정

A man wearing glasses and a blue suit with a dotted tie smiles at the camera against a plain background.

정홍범 씨는 싱가포르 현대자동차그룹 혁신센터(HMGICS)의 책임자입니다. 업계에서 존경받는 권위자로서의 깊은 전문 지식을 바탕으로 그는 도시를 모빌리티 패러다임 전환으로 이끄는 인간 중심의 가치 사슬 혁신을 달성한다는 목표를 향해 혁신센터를 이끌고 있습니다.

알렉산더 슈미츠

A person with short hair, glasses, and a light blue shirt is smiling at the camera in an indoor setting.

Alexander Schmitz is the COO and one of the founders and shareholders of XELA Robotics, which he established with his partners in August 2018. He has been developing industry-disrupting tactile sensors for more than 13 years as part of his broader work on human-collaborative robots. XELA Robotics aims to create new possibilities for businesses in […]

Yuvraj Tomar

A person with dark hair wearing a dark shirt and wireless earbuds sits indoors with a neutral expression. The background includes wall art and colorful triangular lights.

Yuvraj Tomar is the co-founder and CEO of CloudWorx Technologies, which designed Cloudworx Studio – a web-based Integrated Development Environment software (IDE) that allows users to build applications and workflows for 3D content without writing any code. Prior to this, he founded Thinqbot in 2013, leading to the creation of the world’s first and only […]

엘리사 로스 박사

A woman with blonde hair is facing the camera, wearing a gray zip-up vest over a white top. The background appears to be an indoor, modern environment with blurred details.

엘리사 로스 박사는 노동력 강화, 지속 가능성, 기업가 정신에 대한 열정을 가진 헌신적인 산업 엔지니어입니다. 그녀는 글로벌 제조 커뮤니티에 긍정적으로 기여하려는 헌신에 의해 움직입니다. 그녀는 비전적이고 색다른 사고방식으로 경계를 바꾸고 모든 사람에게 효과적인 미래를 위해 현상 유지에 도전하기 위해 끊임없이 노력합니다.

Raimund Klein

Raimund Klein는 유럽과 아시아 전역에서 제조 설계 및 글로벌 공급 디지털화에 대한 경험이 있는 고도로 숙련된 개인입니다. 그는 데이터 분석을 통해 프로세스를 개선, 향상 및 최적화할 수 있는 기회를 식별하는 데 능숙합니다. 그의 강력한 사업 통찰력, 탄탄한 교육 및 진보적인 임원 관리 경험은 그가 다국적 조직에서 매우 효율적인 팀을 구축할 수 있게 해줍니다. […]