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INCIT는 Rockwell Automation의 새로운 Industry 4.0 중심 센터 리본 커팅에 참석


| 4월 11, 2024

INCIT는 Rockwell Automation의 새로운 Industry 4.0 중심 센터 리본 커팅에 참석

Tuesday, 26 March 2024, Singapore – INCIT recently attended Rockwell Automation’s opening of its new Customer Experience Centre (CEC) in Singapore. The CEC will uphold the organisation’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and feature smart manufacturing solutions tailored for Southeast Asia.

The new Centre displays Rockwell’s latest manufacturing technologies in AI, robotics, and virtual reality, aiming to advance digital transformation across manufacturing, mining, and heavy industry sectors in the region.

Since 2020, INCIT has partnered closely with Rockwell Automation, achieving a notable milestone as Rockwell became the first organisation to boast Certified SIRI Assessors in Singapore. Following INCIT’s launch of its sustainability framework COSIRI last year, Rockwell collaborated with INCIT to integrate COSIRI into their services.

Now, Rockwell’s sales consultants are fully equipped with the proficiency and expertise to carry out digital and sustainability maturity assessments. Leveraging INCIT’s SIRI and COSIRI frameworks, they offer comprehensive assessments for both partners and clients alike.

As a global leader in industrial automation and manufacturing transformation, Rockwell shares a mutual commitment with INCIT to advancing the growth of manufacturing worldwide. The opening of the Centre is timely given the massive growth expected within Southeast Asia’s manufacturing sector.

By 2030, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) suggests manufacturing projects in this region will contribute up to $600 billion annually, making the integration of sophisticated manufacturing technologies, including automation and IoT, essential in embracing the emerging smart manufacturing movement.



International Centre for Industrial Transformation(INCIT)는 글로벌 제조 혁신을 선도한다는 목표로 설립된 독립적인 비정부 기관입니다. 싱가포르에 본사를 둔 INCIT는 제조업체의 Industry 4.0 여정을 옹호하고 모든 제조 이해 관계자가 스마트하고 지속 가능한 제조의 글로벌 부상을 옹호할 수 있도록 전 세계적으로 참조되는 프레임워크, 도구, 개념 및 프로그램을 개발하고 배포합니다.

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