Smart Industry Readiness Index in the spotlight: Yokogawa guides manufacturers on the digitalisation journey

The leading automation company, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, is at the forefront of promoting the Official Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessment, a critical tool designed to accelerate Industry 4.0 adoption across global enterprises. Recognising that many businesses are cautious about integrating new technologies, Yokogawa is actively working to bridge this gap by demonstrating the tangible benefits […]
APAC 네트워크 인터뷰: 제조업이 기후 문제에 대응할 수 있을까?

With manufacturing responsible for two-thirds of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, companies within the industry must re-evaluate their sustainability goals and efforts and identify new ways to reduce their emissions. This growing focus on sustainability has driven innovation in manufacturing, leading to increasing use of advanced solutions like re-manufacturing and artificial intelligence to give […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index in the Spotlight: Validating Haier Group’s digitalisation programme

Haier Group undertook a multi-site Official Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessment to gain a deeper understanding of their facilities’ 4IR maturity levels. This assessment enabled Haier to uncover blind spots within their operations and benchmark their facilities’ Industry 4.0 transformation against industry standards and competitors. By pinpointing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, Haier […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index in the Spotlight: Helping Pepperl+Fuchs set digital transformation targets

German industrial technology company Pepperl+Fuchs recently harnessed the power of the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) to assess the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) readiness of multiple manufacturing sites. Through an Official Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessment, Pepperl+Fuchs discovered that one of their sites had a maturity profile that was below the industry average. The detailed […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index in the spotlight: How organisations and governments work together to jumpstart digital transformation in manufacturing

Multilateral organisations and governments can collaborate to help manufacturers on their digital transformation journeys.