在 ESG 指令的推動下,全球朝著符合淨零排放承諾的綠色製造轉型正在加速。例如,歐盟的淨零工業法案(NZIA)要求工人和利害關係人進行社會參與,以便在當地生產綠色能源設備。這是為了響應美國延長的US$3690億綠色補貼[…]
The spotlight on environmental sustainability has never been brighter than in recent years. As more and more reports emerge about how dangerously close the world is in passing climate tipping points, more needs to be done by businesses and industries to address climate change and the growing environmental issues we face. Unsurprisingly, environmental sustainability has […]
A relatively broad term, “eco-packaging” refers to packaging that is physically designed to optimise materials and energy across its end-to-end life cycle, from raw materials to production to disposal. According to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, eco-packaging: Is beneficial, safe and healthy for use throughout its life cycle Meets market criteria for both performance and cost […]