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Die 5 wichtigsten Fertigungstrends für 2025

As we reflect on the trends that defined 2024, we recognise that the manufacturing industry is at a tipping point. With more emphasis and focus on advancing on all fronts – whether it is digitalisation, disruptive technology, operational excellence or ESG performance – CEOs must overcome critical challenges such as addressing their legacy systems, infrastructures, […]

INCIT und IDSMO: Eine strategische Partnerschaft für industrielle Innovation und Wachstum

The 66th session of the Executive Council of the Arab Industrial Development, Standardization, and Mining Organization (IDSMO) took place in Agadir, Morocco, from 19-21 November 2024. This session brought together delegations from 11 Arab countries and underscored the region’s ongoing commitment to industrial advancement, standardisation, and economic development. A significant highlight of the session was […]

Die verborgene Krise unter unseren Füßen – der Schmutz auf der Bodenverschmutzung in der verarbeitenden Industrie

According to the United Nations (UN), soil pollution is ‘jeopardising’ life on Earth, and the manufacturing sector is one of the top contributors globally. However, manufacturers face significant challenges in effectively addressing soil pollution due to the complexity of contamination sources, technically demanding and costly remediation processes, and ensuring operational efficiency at the same time. […]

Eine Balance finden: Die 5 wichtigsten Strategien für eine verantwortungsvolle Flächennutzung in der verarbeitenden Industrie

Die Landfläche der Erde ist eine begrenzte Ressource. In der Vergangenheit wurde den Auswirkungen unserer Handlungen und Praktiken oder dem Zustand, in dem wir das Land zukünftigen Generationen hinterlassen, wenig Beachtung geschenkt – bis jetzt. Angesichts der steigenden globalen Nachfrage nach Produkten wird der Fertigungssektor in absehbarer Zeit nicht langsamer werden, dennoch bleibt er […]

Gerechte Klimalösungen herstellen: Risiken und Nachhaltigkeit in Einklang bringen

As we near the middle of this decade, CEOs continue to face critical choices such as prioritising eco-friendly practices or risk falling behind. Manufacturing CEOs must adopt a holistic and integrated approach that balances climate risk management with environmental justice to tackle climate change head-on. Environmental justice means ensuring equal protection from environmental hazards and […]

Reputational Risks: Why Ethical Manufacturing is Vital to ESG progress

Establishing a robust and impactful Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework that is aligned with business and sustainable goals is no easy feat. It is nuanced and requires diligence by all manufacturers. As an industry, manufacturers are tasked with integrating ESG principles into the fabric of their operations and digital supply chain with urgency due […]

Ist die digitale Finanzierung einer nachhaltigen Produktion realisierbar?

Money is no longer just cash or coins. Today you’ll find more instances of digital transactions compared to physical money, with cash use declining year each year. The growing adoption of digital solutions has naturally reshaped the financial landscape, leading to industries worldwide adopting new digital financing options to support their business initiatives. With sustainability […]

Was uns 2024 erwartet: 5 wichtige Trends in der Fertigung, die Sie im Auge behalten sollten

In 2023, manufacturers faced significant challenges ranging from geopolitical instabilities, skills shortages, and supply chain disruptions, further adding to the overall turbulence in the sector. Yet, despite these hurdles, manufacturers have remained committed to digital and sustainable progress—as is our commitment to help the industry reach these important goals. Over the last 12 months, we […]

Wie KI und Hyperautomatisierung eine nachhaltige Fertigung vorantreiben

Die Automatisierung hat Unternehmen für immer verändert. Durch die Rationalisierung von Prozessen und die Schaffung neuer betrieblicher Effizienzen haben Hersteller, wie die meisten Branchen, die Automatisierung als Kernbestandteil ihrer Betriebsabläufe angenommen. Obwohl es unbestreitbar ist, dass die Automatisierung beispiellose Veränderungen ausgelöst hat, hebt die Hyperautomatisierung die Transformation auf eine völlig neue Ebene. Der dramatische Aufstieg der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und des maschinellen Lernens […]

What is fair trade manufacturing and why is it important for global sustainability?

What is fair trade manufacturing and why is it important for global sustainability

The fair trade manufacturing movement champions rigorous standards that promote sustainable livelihoods. It advocates for safe working conditions, protection of the environment, and stronger, more transparent supply chains. This movement is especially important for workers in developing nations who may have been victims of exploitative practices such as sweatshop labour. Other incidents, such as the […]

APAC Network-Interview: Kann die Fertigungsindustrie die Klimaherausforderung bewältigen?

With manufacturing responsible for two-thirds of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, companies within the industry must re-evaluate their sustainability goals and efforts and identify new ways to reduce their emissions. This growing focus on sustainability has driven innovation in manufacturing, leading to increasing use of advanced solutions like re-manufacturing and artificial intelligence to give […]