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SEW-EURODRIVE’s SIRI success story

 June 16, 2022 |



In a fast-changing world, companies need to be flexible and agile to survive and thrive. To achieve this, SEW-EURODRIVE needed to modernise its Singapore facility through the application of Industry 4.0. Committed to driving change and transformation to improve flexibility and raise productivity, SEW-EURODRIVE leveraged SIRI to work out focus areas so it could develop a transformation roadmap and efficiently allocate its resources to deliver the greatest possible impact.

Find out how SIRI was pivotal in helping SEW-EURODRIVE develop their improvement roadmap, with the goal of becoming a truly future-ready organisation

About the company

Established in 1981 in Singapore, SEW-EURODRIVE Pte Ltd is a local subsidiary of SEW-EURODRIVE Group. Our product portfolio combines high-quality mechanics, sophisticated electronics and application-specific components to give our customers around the globe real competitive advantages.

Always true to our motto “Driving the world”, SEW-EURODRIVE Pte Ltd’s vision is to be the preferred partner of every company that develops, builds or operates Industrial Automation Equipment and aim to achieve this by providing solutions which exceed the expectation of our customers.

Industry: Machinery & Equipment
Company size: 90–100 employees
Company revenue: –


With “think global, act local” as part of the SEW-EURODRIVE Group philosophy, SEW-EURODRIVE Pte Ltd has been assembling products in Singapore since 2018 to meet our customers’ requirements.

High-mix, low-volume product requirements coupled with short delivery requests have created several challenges for SEW-EURODRIVE Pte Ltd in adapting to the dynamic market situation.

There is an urgent need to implement Industry 4.0’s concepts to modernise the factory, to improve flexibility, productivity and overall competitiveness.


To develop a sustainable Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap, the company needed to identify focus areas so that they could best allocate their resources to drive progress and achieve ongoing results to sustain this transformation.

This is where the Ocial SIRI Assessment (OSA) comes in. In May 2021, SEW-EURODRIVE Pte Ltd had a Certied SIRI Assessor (CSA) conduct an OSA.

Due to internal COVID-19 measures, the OSA was carried out via a two-day virtual workshop with the CSA and a separate physical factory inspection prior to the workshop.

The OSA examined the three core areas of Industry 4.0 and helped SEW-EURODRIVE determine where it stood in terms of Industry 4.0 maturity levels across 16 dimensions, and how it could improve in a targeted and incremental way.

SEW-EURODRIVE then used SIRI frameworks and tools to ensure that the focus areas identified would be the most impactful. This entailed aligning the improvement roadmap plans to costs, revenues and key KPIs for maximum impact.

Assessment results

Based on the OSA report, the company identified four highest-impact value dimensions to focus on for their Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap planning.

This allowed the company to develop their improvement roadmap and adopt various technologies to implement the following required improvements:

• Performance dashboard on inventory system
• HRM system to develop staff competency in understanding latest i4.0 trends/technologies
• Upgrading equipment with digital functionality to initiate data collection and connectivity
• Evaluate CRM-PLM-MES integration solution

With the insights from the OSA report, the company re-evaluated its existing KPIs to ensure that these are in line with the roadmap that was developed.

The Official SIRI Assessment confirmed that previous upgrading efforts greatly contributed to our company’s transformation goal but it also revealed areas that we had neglected and that need more attention in the future. Ultimately the SIRI analysis showed us how well our company is prepared to transform into a future-ready organisation.

Thilo Grimm, SEW-EURODRIVE PTE LTD Managing Director

About the company

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