
クリーンテクノロジーでネットゼロを達成する: 透明性が重要な理由

In the race towards net zero, the manufacturing sector has joined many other global industries that are furiously working towards becoming more sustainable. To navigate the path to decarbonisation and reduce their environmental footprint, manufacturing leaders will require more cutting-edge technologies, such as cleantech. The Cambridge Dictionary defines clean technology or cleantech as a solution that prevents harm to the environment. Recycling and renewable energy are good examples of cleantech. Although cleantech is gaining momentum as a critical solution, as investments grow, stakeholders are demanding greater transparency to ensure accountability. Cleantech funding soars, but there’s a catch According to Statista, in 2023, global investments in low-carbon cleantech soared by 17 […]


In the fast-evolving global manufacturing landscape, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) face mounting pressure from governments and society to slash carbon footprints and achieve net-zero emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported the manufacturing sector is responsible for about 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, underscoring the need for businesses to act now. To address the sector’s significant emissions, it is imperative manufacturers adopt cleaner solutions such as hydrogen to progress towards a more sustainable future. The World Economic Forum (WEF) asserts that hydrogen is poised to support the greening of various sectors, including the manufacturing industry, because it offers diverse applications, is abundant and, when burned, omits […]