2024 年 5 月 14 日星期二,新加坡 - International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) 在最近五天的 智能产业准备指数(SIRI) 为菲律宾贸易和工业部(DTI)举办的培训班。
INCIT 受聘后,其合作培训和认证机构 TÜV SÜD 代表 INCIT 进行了培训 亚洲开发银行(ADB) to carry out the Smart Industry Readiness Index Training and Certification Programme, held from 22-26 April 2024.
New Smart Industry Readiness Index assessors empower manufacturers in Industry 4.0 transformations
After the training programme, industry professionals and consultants gain the critical knowledge, skills, and qualifications to drive Industry 4.0 success and spearhead digital transformation globally. The Smart Industry Readiness Index Training and Certification Programme offers individuals training and official accreditation to conduct digital maturity assessments, also known as Official Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessments (OSAs), on manufacturing facilities by leveraging Smart Industry Readiness Index’s framework and tools. Participants from DTI will soon undergo the certification portion of the programme to officially become Certified Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessors (CSAs).
CSA 培训继续扩大 INCIT 的影响力
As the momentum for Smart Industry Readiness Index continues to increase and more industry professionals become certified assessors, manufacturers can expect to be empowered with the insights they gain from a CSA. The OSA, along with the insights and knowledge provided by CSAs, can greatly benefit companies by increasing their Industry 4.0 readiness level with strategic and tailored transformation roadmaps that align with business goals and promote new, future-proof industry standards
Successful transformation requires a holistic understanding of future-ready manufacturing components, thus contributing to long-term viability. INCIT and the CSA Programme are dedicated to manufacturers unlocking Industry X.0 gains to accelerate digital and sustainable transformation. Embracing the three core elements of Industry 4.0: Process, Technology, and Organisation, Smart Industry Readiness Index allows manufacturers to renew their commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in manufacturing practices, ultimately driving sustainable economic growth.
The continuous collaboration between INCIT and TÜV SÜD display a shared vision and commitment to driving innovation and sustainable development throughout the globe. The expansion of Smart Industry Readiness Index trainings conducted by TÜV SÜD represents the increased pace of expansion, accelerating manufacturing transformation.
这 International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) 是一家独立的非政府机构,成立的目的是引领全球制造业转型。INCIT 总部位于新加坡,致力于推动制造商的工业 4.0 之旅,为所有制造业利益相关者开发和部署全球参考框架、工具、概念和计划,以倡导智能和可持续制造业的全球崛起。
了解更多信息请访问: 申请成为 CSA|查找您所在地区的评估员.