Transforming Egypt’s Manufacturing Sector with the Smart Industry Readiness Index

The future of manufacturing in Egypt is taking a transformative leap forward with the introduction of the Smart Industry Readiness Index. Developed to guide manufacturers of all sizes and sectors, Smart Industry Readiness Index is designed to help businesses start, scale, and sustain their digital transformation journeys. This pioneering initiative has been made possible through […]
Smart Industry Readiness Index assessment certification paves the way for Industry 4.0 at Egypt’s innovation hub

INCIT 与培训和认证合作伙伴 TÜV SÜD 合作,为埃及的 ITIDA 和 IMC 候选人进行了智能工业准备指数 (SIRI) 指导评估。评估的最终目的是参观位于新行政首都“知识城”的工业 4.0 创新中心 (IIC),这是一座位于埃及东部 30 英里处的新城市 […]