在一個日益認真的世界中,製造商面臨著巨大的壓力,需要在其營運中優先考慮企業社會責任 (CSR)。隨著政府和客戶繼續迫使雙方製造商採取行動,將企業社會責任和環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 實踐納入其中,這一勢在必行。根據聯合國全球影響力(商業與人權 [...]
推動供應鏈社會永續發展的 5 大技術解決方案
增強供應鏈的社會永續性對製造商來說是一項複雜的挑戰。在道德供應鏈的每一層,他們必須致力於維護社會福利考慮,確保可持續的勞工實踐、社區參與和人權保護。雖然具有挑戰性,但這種方法對於維護道德標準、提高營運效率、最大限度地降低風險和吸引人 [...]
在 ESG 指令的推動下,全球朝著符合淨零排放承諾的綠色製造轉型正在加速。例如,歐盟的淨零工業法案(NZIA)要求工人和利害關係人進行社會參與,以便在當地生產綠色能源設備。這是為了響應美國延長的US$3690億綠色補貼[…]
聲譽風險:為什麼道德製造對 ESG 進展至關重要
建立一個與業務和永續目標一致、穩健且有影響力的環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 框架並非易事。它是微妙的,需要所有製造商的勤奮。作為一個行業,製造商的任務是緊急地將 ESG 原則融入其營運和數位供應鏈結構中 [...]
Safeguarding data in the age of smart manufacturing
The era of smart manufacturing and building intelligent factories is transforming manufacturing as we know it. Industry 4.0 has brought on the swift adoption of powerful tools aided by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT), which has resulted in greater optimisation, and automation but also a large amount of […]
The spotlight on environmental sustainability has never been brighter than in recent years. As more and more reports emerge about how dangerously close the world is in passing climate tipping points, more needs to be done by businesses and industries to address climate change and the growing environmental issues we face. Unsurprisingly, environmental sustainability has […]
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the world has developed at an incredible pace in the last few centuries. Collectively, we have made several transformational leaps and bounds throughout history, and the rate of change is only getting faster over time. Part of this transformation includes the evolution of the manufacturing industry, and its […]
優化 ESG 資本配置:製造商的關鍵策略
由於緊迫的氣候問題,當今對環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 因素的關注無論如何強調都不為過。消費者已經注意到這一點,並對公司施加越來越大的壓力,要求他們表明立場,使 ESG 與業務和營運目標保持一致。許多人都響應了這項呼籲,以 ESG 為重點的機構投資預計將增加 84% 至 [...]
Think about the last time you shopped online – where did your item get shipped from? Where was it made? How about the raw materials needed to produce these goods? There’s a high likelihood that your item had to pass through several stages in the supply chain and get transported across different locations before it […]
2024 年將會發生什麼:值得關注的 5 個頂級製造業趨勢
2023年,製造商面臨地緣政治不穩定、技能短缺和供應鏈中斷等重大挑戰,進一步加劇了該產業的整體動盪。然而,儘管存在這些障礙,製造商仍然致力於數位化和永續發展,這也是我們幫助產業實現這些重要目標的承諾。在過去的 12 個月裡,我們 [...]
Introducing COSIRI, a pioneering sustainability maturity index designed for manufacturing industries. COSIRI empowers industries to better leverage bottom-up insights to scale their sustainable transformation in line with existing corporate strategies and emissions reduction targets. In a world where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, COSIRI can serve as a valuable compass, guiding […]
Why digital twins are the building blocks of the manufacturing metaverse
Industry 4.0 has driven significant change across the manufacturing industry in recent years. The focus on digital transformation and introducing new and modern digital capabilities have allowed manufacturers to achieve greater productivity, efficiency, and sustainability, with smart technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and big data powering these new tools. One critical tool that has emerged […]
Automation, smart robots, and big data have become ubiquitous in manufacturing today. From large, conventional factories to smaller, agile microfactories, many modern production processes depend on Industry 4.0 technologies driven by big data, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and more. This increased interconnectivity through IIoT has provided manufacturers with several benefits, from increased efficiency […]
Strategies for thriving in the digital era: Understanding intrinsic methodologies including Lean and Six Sigma; SIRI in Türkiye
The trajectory towards operational efficiency is increasingly moving towards digitalisation. Compelling forecasts have suggested that lean principles and digital transformation will converge and intertwine as organisations progress on their transformation journeys. During the ‘Lean Six Sigma Day’ conference hosted by SOCAR Turkiye in August, INCIT served as part of the panel speakers, diving into various […]
自動化永遠改變了企業。透過簡化流程和創造新的營運效率,製造商已經像大多數行業一樣將自動化作為其營運的核心部分。儘管不可否認,自動化引發了前所未有的變化,但超級自動化將轉型提升到了一個全新的水平。人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習的急劇崛起 [...]
The Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) is now in Azerbaijan! In July this year, we penned a shared commitment together with Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute (IMTI) to establish a SIRI Training and Examination Centre in the country. Azerbaijan manufacturers, industry practitioners, leaders, consultants and more now have easier access to becoming Certified SIRI Transformation […]
製造商實現可持續倉儲的 3 種方法
The ever-rising mercury and consistent heatwaves over the years have laid bare the dire effects of global warming and climate change, highlighting the importance of going green for a more sustainable future. Manufacturers must be responsible and focus their green initiatives on sustainable measures where possible. An easily achievable win that manufacturers can focus on […]
The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has collaborated with Swiss Smart Factory to establish a customised manufacturing facility, named the ‘Smart Sustainable Manufacturing Transformation Centre (SSMTC)’. This innovative collaboration marks a significant step forward in advancing the principles of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. What is the significance of this collaboration? 1. Comprehensive Expertise […]
監督下一代製造工廠端到端數位轉型的 6 個步驟
Manufacturing facilities worldwide are becoming much more capable, enabling organisations to improve operational efficiency, engage with stakeholders in real time, and strengthen collaboration among departments. As such, more organisational leaders are seeking end-to-end digital approaches for their own manufacturing plants and facilities in a bid to push the boundaries of innovation. However, cut-throat competition, more […]
數據以各種形式捕獲,並且幾個世紀以來一直是流程的重要組成部分 - 從簡單的計數標記和註釋到複雜的電子表格和雲端儲存。如今,創建和儲存的複雜資料或大數據的數量和數量是驚人的,估計產生了 25 億千兆位元組 [...]
INCIT launches LinkedIn newsletter ‘Manufacturing Insider’
The manufacturing industry’s digital transformation has progressed tremendously in recent years and is not showing signs of slowing down. To help our partners and network keep up with the latest trends and observations amid the constantly evolving industry landscape, we have launched our LinkedIn newsletter, ‘Manufacturing Insider’. With this new monthly LinkedIn newsletter, we aim […]
SIRI in China: TÜV SÜD conducts the first CSA training in China
INCIT is proud to share that its acceleration partner TÜV SÜD has recently concluded the first Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA) training in Suzhou, China. The training was conducted after the official opening of its CSA Training and Examination Centre at the Suzhou Industrial Park Bosch Intelligent Manufacturing Enabling Centre on 13 June 2023. The CSA […]
公平貿易製造運動倡導促進永續生計的嚴格標準。它倡導安全的工作條件、保護環境以及更強大、更透明的供應鏈。這項運動對於發展中國家的工人尤其重要,他們可能是血汗工廠勞動等剝削行為的受害者。其他事件,例如 […]
INCIT® is now a registered trademark – INCIT®’s portfolio growing rapidly
Great news! We have successfully registered “INCIT” as the trademark of the International Centre for Industrial Transformation. This helps us consolidate and establish our brand so we can continue to grow our presence and reach, in both the region and globally. Aside from driving Industry 4.0 transformation through the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI), we […]
A relatively broad term, “eco-packaging” refers to packaging that is physically designed to optimise materials and energy across its end-to-end life cycle, from raw materials to production to disposal. According to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, eco-packaging: Is beneficial, safe and healthy for use throughout its life cycle Meets market criteria for both performance and cost […]
縱觀歷史進程,水確實在社會的成長和發展中發揮了關鍵作用,各行業和市政使用消耗了大量水。製造業也不例外——光是在美國,每天的工業用途就超過 182 億加侖(680 億公升)。水 […]
New partner in Malaysia: Selangor Human Resource Development Centre
From 1 April 2023, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) will form a collaborative partnership with the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) to further our commitment to transforming manufacturing by addressing sustainability and talent development. At INCIT, we aim to catalyse industrial transformation to help the global manufacturing sector advance, develop and grow. […]
INCIT appoints SIT’s Associate Professor Yee Fook Cheong as first Academia Fellow in its global network
Wednesday, 22 March 2023, Singapore. The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has recently named Associate Professor Yee Fook Cheong of the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) an Academia Fellow of INCIT. Assoc Prof Yee is the first individual to join INCIT’s network of partners and collaborators in this capacity. A highly qualified and experienced […]
Global Sustainability Prioritisation Index to accelerate the journey to net zero for manufacturers
Monday, 27 February 2023, Singapore. At the recent World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) launched its Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index, or COSIRI. The first of its kind, COSIRI is an independent, manufacturer-centric framework that is set to benchmark the sustainability maturity of global industry players […]
From industrial electronics to personal mobile devices, the electronics industry has had a significant impact on how society functions, and this continues even today. However, the growth of the electronics industry has led to severe environmental issues, with 4% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributed to it. Given global electricity demand is expected to rise […]
INCIT announces senior appointment in EMEA
INCIT has announced a new senior appointment as the global think tank continues to grow its operations internationally. Aykut Yeni has been appointed Business Development Director, to service the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) region and develop INCIT’s Partner and Data Analytics Membership. INCIT is rapidly growing its presence within this region and with this […]
World leaders gathered at World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023
From 16 January to 20 January 2023, world leaders congregated at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, Switzerland to discuss topics around the theme, “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”. The event marked the 53rd iteration of the WEF’s yearly meeting, reaffirming the value and imperative of dialogue and public-private cooperation. Leaders […]
IT/OT 融合:2023 年的挑戰與機會
隨著製造商採用工業 4.0 並採取措施進一步數位化,出現的一個焦點領域是資訊技術 (IT) 和營運技術 (OT) 的融合,或 IT/OT 融合。傳統上,IT 和 OT 系統各自運行,因為它們管理不同的領域。 OT 廣泛涉及物理世界,例如 [...]
2022: Year in review
In the past year, world-changing global events, geopolitical instabilities and economic uncertainty have been the only constants in an ever-changing world. As industries and businesses continue to adapt to a world in flux, manufacturing has managed to come out even stronger than before, and the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has strived to serve […]
Smart Sustainable Manufacturing – bringing together cleantech and advanced manufacturing
The rise of automation, machine learning and advanced technology in recent years has accelerated the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, leading to smarter and more efficient manufacturing processes. Through this integration of recent technological advancements into various processes and systems, manufacturing businesses have managed to boost productivity and efficiency – but more importantly, become […]
As Industry 4.0 accelerates in the global manufacturing sector, an often-overlooked field is food and beverage (F&B) manufacturing. Although F&B manufacturing is not perceived to be as important as semiconductors, nor as flashy as electric vehicles, it undoubtedly plays a critical role in feeding the masses – and Industry 4.0 could help create a more […]