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INCIT and Celebal Technologies together launch XIRI-Analytics through new global strategic partnership


| Novembre 28, 2023

INCIT and Celebal Technologies officially join hands to develop a comprehensive analytics tool aimed to drive sustainable manufacturing.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023, Singapore – The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) and Tecnologie Celebri announced a global strategic partnership to develop and launch XIRI-Analytics.

XIRI-Analytics is designed to provide extensive support for transformation efforts, spanning both national and organisational scales. XIRI-Analytics allows stakeholders to make more informed decisions to accelerate their progress towards digital transformation, sustainable manufacturing practices, and improvement of ESG ratings.

Combining ESG analytics with INCIT’s prioritisation indexes such as the Indice di prontezza dell'industria intelligente (SIRI) and the Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI) can drive positive change, supported by automatic transformation road mapping functions and recommendations.

The platform will generate and aggregate relevant data for in-depth analysis, emerging as a transformative tool with far-reaching benefits for enterprises and a diverse range of stakeholders, including governments, policymakers, private firms, financial institutions, and equity companies.

INCIT CEO, Raimund Klein says of the partnership announcement, “We are excited to be partnering with Celebal Technologies on the development of XIRI-Analytics. The platform provides a range of stakeholders with access to relevant, timely and critical insights including analytical data on ESG Ratings, GHG Emissions, digital and sustainability maturity levels, operations and processes, and much more.

“These analytics go beyond mere data points; they serve as invaluable resources, empowering stakeholders to make well-informed, AI data-driven decisions pertaining to investments, policies, business strategies, adoption of new technologies and allocation of resources in the necessary areas of their transformation journeys” he says.

With Smart Industry Readiness Index and COSIRI serving as prioritisation indexes for enterprises and entire countries to benchmark against industry peers and identify areas for improvement, and with XIRI-Analytics operating as the platform which allows stakeholders to delve deeper into important analytics and formulate actionable strategies, business leaders and governments can now anticipate a heightened level of enhancement in their operational strategies.

These tools and indexes will drive increases in productivity, streamline decision-making and empower stakeholders to effectively pursue and achieve their manufacturing transformation objectives.

To learn more about the XIRI-Analytics launch and recent company developments including participation at ITAP 2023, contact us at contatto@incit.org.


Informazioni su INCIT

International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) è un istituto indipendente e non governativo, fondato con l'obiettivo di guidare la trasformazione globale della produzione e con sede a Singapore. INCIT sostiene i percorsi Industria 4.0 dei produttori, sviluppando e distribuendo quadri, strumenti, concetti e programmi con riferimenti globali per tutti gli stakeholder del settore manifatturiero, al fine di sostenere l'ascesa globale di una produzione intelligente e sostenibile.

Per maggiori informazioni, visitare: https://incit.org/

About Celebal Technologies

Celebal Technologies è una multinazionale riconosciuta a livello mondiale con sede a Jaipur, India. Con una forte presenza negli Stati Uniti, in India, APAC, negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, in Europa e in Canada, Celebal Technologies è un partner di fiducia per i principali giganti della tecnologia come Microsoft e Databricks. L'azienda vanta un'impressionante base di clienti, tra cui 90% delle aziende Fortune 500, guidandole attraverso percorsi digitali trasformativi. Con competenze che abbracciano vari settori, tra cui BFSI, energia, petrolio e gas, produzione, vendita al dettaglio, assistenza sanitaria, aviazione e istruzione, Celebal Technologies potenzia le aziende con soluzioni cloud innovative e tecnologie all'avanguardia. Le loro specializzazioni includono intelligenza artificiale, Big Data, analisi, apprendimento automatico, migrazione di infrastrutture e database, modernizzazione delle app e integrazione pionieristica della tecnologia AI generativa, facilitando una produttività e un successo senza pari nei percorsi di trasformazione digitale. Per maggiori informazioni su Celebal Technologies, visita Italiano: www.celebaltech.com.

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