Үздік оқиғалар  
INCIT Катардағы цифрлық трансформация және индустрия 4.0 жөніндегі диалогқа қосылды INCIT CII Global Skills Summit 2024-те сала көшбасшыларына қосылды INCIT & SmarterChains арқылы Құнды өзгерту серіктесінің жаңа сертификаты арқылы Индустрия 4.0 болашағын қалыптастырыңыз Мысырдың өндірістік секторын Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) арқылы түрлендіру INCIT және IDSMO: өнеркәсіптік инновациялар мен өсу үшін стратегиялық серіктестік Harnessing Industry 4.0: INCIT компаниясының жаһандық климаттық қиындықтар жағдайында өндірісті өзгертуге деген ұмтылысы Жаңа Зеландия хатшысының орынбасары Пол Стокс инновациялар мен өнеркәсіптік трансформацияны дамыту мақсатында INCIT-ке барды. Доктор Адель Бен Юсеф INCIT консультативтік кеңесіне қосылды INCIT және Smarterchains көмегімен құндылықтарды өзгерту серіктесі болыңыз INCIT Бразилияның өнеркәсіптік цифрлық трансформацияға жолын қолдайды
INCIT Катардағы цифрлық трансформация және индустрия 4.0 жөніндегі диалогқа қосылды INCIT CII Global Skills Summit 2024-те сала көшбасшыларына қосылды INCIT & SmarterChains арқылы Құнды өзгерту серіктесінің жаңа сертификаты арқылы Индустрия 4.0 болашағын қалыптастырыңыз Мысырдың өндірістік секторын Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) арқылы түрлендіру INCIT және IDSMO: өнеркәсіптік инновациялар мен өсу үшін стратегиялық серіктестік Harnessing Industry 4.0: INCIT компаниясының жаһандық климаттық қиындықтар жағдайында өндірісті өзгертуге деген ұмтылысы Жаңа Зеландия хатшысының орынбасары Пол Стокс инновациялар мен өнеркәсіптік трансформацияны дамыту мақсатында INCIT-ке барды. Доктор Адель Бен Юсеф INCIT консультативтік кеңесіне қосылды INCIT және Smarterchains көмегімен құндылықтарды өзгерту серіктесі болыңыз INCIT Бразилияның өнеркәсіптік цифрлық трансформацияға жолын қолдайды
Біз кімбіз
Біз не істейміз

Неліктен көшбасшылықты дұрыс оқыту болашақтың өндірістік жұмыс күші үшін маңызды

As the manufacturing landscape undergoes rapid evolution, what are some of the challenges of leaders within manufacturing conglomerates and how can leadership training solve for these? Leaders must spearhead innovation and sustain growth. This is why, in this dynamic environment, leadership training is crucial for senior executives and mid-level management; but what does leadership training […]

Manufacturing social sustainability: empowering change and driving business growth

In the current modern marketplace, discerning consumers and investors are becoming more and more attuned to the need for commercial production to uphold rigorous environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, supporting their values of stewardship for the planet and the community. What does the “social” in ESG mean to manufacturers? Social sustainability in manufacturing involves […]

Why a supplier assessment is important to avoid ethical issues

Supply chain dynamics have never been more intricate, impactful, and complex. Within this complexity lies a critical concern: ensuring ethical standards are upheld throughout the supply chain. This is where the utilisation of a supplier assessment emerges as a vital tool for businesses to safeguard not only their ethical integrity but also their bottom line. […]

Тұрақты ертеңге арналған өнеркәсіптік желі шешімдері

As part of our GETIT thought leadership series, CEO and Founder of INCIT Raimund Klein recently spoke with Tata Communication’s Srivathsan Narasimhan (Sri), Director of Strategic Solutions on how manufacturers can equip themselves for future growth and sustainability through industrial communications and digital integration. Here are five key highlights from their thought-provoking discussion “Industrial Network […]

The impact of a lack of ESG data governance on sustainability progress in manufacturing

The rising influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) expectations are starting to become more and more critical with every passing day for industries, inclusive of manufacturing, but there is a silver lining. It has been suggested by Forbes that ESG-focused activities can be “a golden opportunity to improve your business by adopting best practices […]

Индустрия 4.0 дәуіріндегі тұрақты өндірістегі деректердің құпиялылығы және қауіпсіздігі

Industry 4.0 is widely recognised to have originated in 2011, and now, after over ten years, the manufacturing sector is well and truly in the midst of a data-driven revolution. According to a World Economic Forum whitepaper, Industry 4.0 will spur enterprises to join forces in interconnected value networks to leverage data and analytics applications to fuel […]

Navigating the complexities of supply chain regulations in the FMCG industry

The manufacturing sector is undergoing a dynamic technological shift with the introduction of advanced smart manufacturing tools and solutions. More manufacturers are starting to take proactive steps to digital transformation, with robotics and automation, data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms among the top priorities according to a 2023 Deloitte report. Alongside these radical […]

Тұрақты тоқыма өнімдерін жеткізу тізбегін басқару: жасыл нәтижелерге арналған стратегиялар

In an interconnected world linked and driven by world trade, maintaining efficient and sustainable supply chains can make a significant difference in operational effectiveness and achieving greener outcomes. The focus on supply chains is not misplaced – it’s been found that around 50% to 70% of operating costs and over 90% of an organisation’s greenhouse […]

Green leadership: driving sustainable change and employee engagement

When was the last time you thought about how extreme the weather has become? The effects of climate change are being felt daily worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress alone. All […]

3 reasons why universal sustainability standards matter for manufacturing transformation

We live in a world governed by invisible yet fundamental standards that guide individuals, businesses and governments daily. Globally, there are several clearly defined sets of universally understood reference data that help determine what to expect, and ensure that things like processes, materials, and services are held to a specific level of consistency and dependability. […]

The impact of the industrial metaverse and generative AI on smart manufacturing

Artificial intelligence in computing has paved the way toward new and smarter processes, enabling more accurate predictive analytics, autonomous systems, and more. Recently, more advanced AI – generative AI – which leverages machine learning algorithms has emerged, opening new doors to even smarter capabilities than before. Generative AI, developed partly from generative adversarial networks (GANs), […]

How AI-driven hyper-personalisation is changing the manufacturing supply chain

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been spearheading the rapid digital transformation of the manufacturing sector in recent years. Since Industry 4.0 and the proliferation of smart manufacturing technologies, AI has been playing an increasingly important role in improving manufacturing functions like supply chain management and production optimisation. Together with cloud-based supply chain management tools and intelligent […]

5 cybersecurity challenges manufacturers face in their digital transformation journey

Advanced technologies and new digital solutions in recent years have made daily life more convenient, helping businesses attain new levels of operational efficiency. However, these new tools have also created new cybersecurity problems with data breaches becoming more frequent and causing significant privacy and financial losses. A report by IBM estimates that data breaches in […]

Recap of INCIT’s participation at ITAP 2023: Transforming the future of manufacturing

INCIT with Ms. Glory Wee (left) and Ms. Sharon Tan (right), Vice President and Assistant Vice President of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB).   Wednesday, 25 October 2023, Singapore – The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) proudly took part in the Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific (ITAP) 2023 tradeshow from 18 – 20 October 2023 […]

Микрофабрикалар: неге кішірек, жоғары автоматтандырылған зауыттар өндірістің болашағы болып табылады?

It is no question that Industry 4.0 digital transformation has significantly altered the manufacturing landscape. Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation enable manufacturers to boost operational efficiency, achieving a significant lift in productivity (up to a 15% to 30% increase) and a significant reduction in downtime (a decrease between 30% and 50%). These technological […]

4 steps manufacturers should take to digitalise supply chains and build resilience

Supply chain disruptions can have serious consequences for manufacturers, as many may have already experienced from the pandemic. From lost customers and dwindling revenues to even potential legal issues, the effects of supply chain disruptions can be long-lasting and damaging. Manufacturers that have earned the dubious honour of having a bad track record of supply […]

INCIT’s increasing global outreach: Techup and Greenup for Next Industrial Revolution 2023

Our CEO and Founder, Raimund Klein, represented INCIT during this two-day interactive workshop titled ‘Techup and Greenup for Next Industrial Revolution 2023’. Held on August 14 and 15 in Malaysia, the event was attended by distinguished participants including government ministries, industry associations, banks, fintech organisations, SMEs and MNCs. Event highlights This workshop, featuring diverse presentations […]

Деректердің озық талдауы: неге тек жаңа технологиялар болашақ зауытты қуаттай алмайды?

Cutting-edge data analytics: why newer technologies alone cannot power the factory of the future

Data has been captured in various forms and has been an essential part of processes for centuries – from simple tallying markers and notes to complex spreadsheets and cloud storage. Today, the amount and volume of complex data, or big data, that is created and stored is staggering, with an estimated 2.5 billion gigabytes generated […]

Айналмалы экономика жоғары технологиялық электрондық қажеттіліктерді қалай қамтамасыз етеді?

How does the circular economy sustain high-tech electronic needs?

In the context of manufacturing, a circular economy refers to closed-loop production, in which materials and products are kept within the system to be continually reused and repurposed, even at the end of its life cycle. This reduces our reliance on finite resources, especially for rare earths that make up a significant component of our […]

Green manufacturing: Lean methodologies and the impact of consumer-driven manufacturing

Green manufacturing: Lean methodologies and the impact of consumer-driven manufacturing

Today’s rapidly changing business landscape has increased the sense of urgency for manufacturers to adopt more sustainable practices. The rise of smart manufacturing has put a spotlight on the importance of more energy-efficient and agile processes that drive productivity while reducing waste. This is especially crucial with stakeholders, consumers, and financiers placing closer scrutiny over […]

How digital transformation is enhancing productivity in textile manufacturing

textile industry digital transformation

Textiles are an integral part of everyday life. From clothes and furnishing to bedding and medical textiles like Personal Protective Equipment and surgical masks, it’s virtually impossible to do without them.   To meet this demand while grappling with supply chain issues and rising costs of energy, textile manufacturers have had to find ways to improve […]

How digital transformation in manufacturing is enabling shopfloor intelligence for improved operations

shopfloor intelligence

Manual processes often result in siloed departments, as manufacturing and quality managers are often physically checking products and processes and recording their findings with pen and paper. This information may or may not reach the organisation’s decision-makers, leading to transparency issues.  With the use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), manufacturers can create a digital […]

2023 outlook: 3 trends that will impact manufacturing growth

global manufacturing trends 2023 outlook

As the world transitions to a post-COVID-19 world, industries like manufacturing are aiming to recalibrate their processes in the search for growth amidst continued global uncertainty.  With supply chain issues gradually improving and ongoing digital and business transformation across the globe, opportunities will arise in 2023 that could help manufacturers improve, grow and expand. In […]

Smart Sustainable Manufacturing – bringing together cleantech and advanced manufacturing

advanced manufacturing

The rise of automation, machine learning and advanced technology in recent years has accelerated the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, leading to smarter and more efficient manufacturing processes. Through this integration of recent technological advancements into various processes and systems, manufacturing businesses have managed to boost productivity and efficiency – but more importantly, become […]

Индустрия 5.0 – бұл не және оның Индустрия 4.0-ге қандай қатысы бар?

Industry 5.0

Industry 4.0 has revolutionised the manufacturing industry in recent years. Today’s digitally enhanced factories have leveraged smart technologies like artificial intelligence, data analytics and the cloud to optimise production and reduce waste, leading to better productivity than before. These technologies have provided numerous benefits – from 30% to 50% reductions in machine downtime to 85% more accurate […]