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INCIT 总部在哪里?

INCIT 总部位于新加坡。


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如何申请 INCIT 的职位?

如需申请 INCIT 的职位,请访问我们的页面。 职业机会 页。


我们的隐私政策概述了 INCIT 如何收集、使用和保护您的个人信息。您可以通过访问 隐私政策 页。


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我的组织如何开始使用 SIRI?

对于希望评估其数字成熟度的组织,启动该流程首先要与经过认证的 SIRI 评估师合作,以帮助您的组织进行官方 SIRI 评估。查看我们可用的经过认证的 SIRI 评估师列表 这里。对于渴望成为认证 SIRI 评估师的组织或个人,成功完成 SIRI 计划:培训和认证课程是成功之路的开始。了解更多 这里.

我可以在哪里阅读 SIRI 白皮书?

您可以查看和下载我们的 SIRI 白皮书 这里.

SIRI 下是否会开发新的框架和工具?

是的。我们致力于创建额外的框架和工具来填补任何现有的信息或知识空白。我们的目标是,这个不断扩大的资源集合将为制造商在工业 4.0 转型过程中提供更多支持。

SIRI 框架和工具是否经过行业从业者的验证?

为了在技术实力和用户友好性之间取得适当的平衡,我们与顶尖技术公司、咨询机构以及来自行业和学术界的专家合作,设计了我们的框架和工具。此外,在 SIRI 发布之前,我们与各种公司(包括中小企业 (SME) 和跨国公司 (MNC))一起对评估矩阵和优先级矩阵等工具进行了现场测试。


SIRI 中的框架和工具旨在适用于各种规模和不同行业的公司。我们的目标是通过利用这些资源,制造商将受到启发,更详细地探索符合其个性化需求的特定领域。

消费者可持续发展行业准备指数 (COSIRI)

我的组织如何开始使用 COSIRI?

对于希望评估其可持续发展成熟度并深入了解其 ESG 绩效和 GHG 排放的组织,启动该流程首先要与认证的 COSIRI 评估师合作,以帮助您的组织进行官方 COSIRI 评估。浏览我们的认证 COSIRI 评估师列表 这里.
对于希望成为认证 COSIRI 评估师的组织或个人,成功完成 COSIRI 计划:培训和认证课程是成功之路的起点。了解更多 这里.

我可以在哪里阅读 COSIRI 白皮书?

目前,尚无可供发布的 COSIRI 白皮书。订阅我们的 通讯.


What is XIRI-Analytics in summary?

XIRI-Analytics is an analytics dashboard utilising the output of INCIT's two main frameworks: the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) and the Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI). It equips manufacturers with valuable insights to aid them in improving, designing, and tracking their digital and sustainable transformation journeys.

What benefits do manufacturers get from XIRI-Analytics?

XIRI-Analytics can furnish manufacturers with valuable insights into industry trends and best practices in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance and digital transformation initiatives (SIRI and COSIRI prioritization index). This information can assist manufacturers in benchmarking their sustainability/digital transformation efforts and identifying areas for improvement. By using XIRI-Analytics, manufacturers can optimise resource allocation, mitigate risk, and achieve their sustainability and digitalisation goals.

Can I customise the XIRI-Analytics dashboard to focus on my priorities?

XIRI-Analytics provides pre-defined dashboards (Basic and Advanced Packages) with the flexibility to customise visuals for specific priorities. In addition to the standard dashboards, you can enquire about options to tailor visualisations to focus on your unique needs and apply additional filters to data for deeper insights into relevant trends. It's possible to integrate unstructured data from your organisation with XIRI-Analytics for a more comprehensive and actionable view (See FAQ number 15 for steps). This customisation ensures that XIRI-Analytics remains highly relevant and valuable to your organisation.

What benefits do government agencies get from XIRI-Analytics?

Government agencies can utilise XIRI-Analytics to gain insights into the overall sustainability maturity and digital transformation progress across their country, segregated by industry clusters and segments. This data can inform policy decisions and initiatives designed to promote environmentally sustainable practices and drive forward digital transformation progress.

Is XIRI-Analytics a one-off purchase or a subscription service?

XIRI-Analytics is currently offered as a subscription service. There is no option for a one-off purchase of the full interactive XIRI-Analytics dashboard. However, we do offer a one-off analytical report generation service. This service provides manufacturers with valuable insights that can be used to develop transformation roadmaps. Nevertheless, to ensure a suitable roadmap and effective action based on the data and visuals presented in the report, consultation with a Certified SIRI/COSIRI Assessor is recommended.

If I have 50 (or more) manufacturing plants globally, can I utilise XIRI-Analytics to track all of them?

XIRI-Analytics provides a comprehensive analytical package that elevates performance and sustainability analysis. Visualising the digital and sustainable maturity levels of all your manufacturing plants on a single platform is indeed possible. This global perspective facilitates insightful comparisons, offering a clear understanding of where to prioritise transformation efforts. Equipped with this data, your headquarters can strategically implement targeted improvement initiatives across your entire manufacturing network.

Does XIRI-Analytics require any additional software or hardware?

XIRI-Analytics is designed for maximum convenience. As a cloud-based platform, you can access it using any standard internet browser and computer. There's no need to download any additional software or hardware. Upon logging in, you'll be presented with a user-friendly portal where all the data visualisations are displayed. These interactive visuals allow you to explore the data with ease, utilising built-in filters to customise your experience and extract the most meaningful insights for your organisation.

How many types of visuals I can expect to see from XIRI-Analytics?

XIRI-Analytics provides a variety of visual categories featuring a range of graphs and charts to assist organisations in effectively interpreting their data (see the example on the XIRI-Analytics main page). Using SIRI data as an example, XIRI-Analytics offers six main categories with four layers of filtering options, resulting in over 16,000 potential visualisations. In addition to the Basic and Advanced packages that come with a set number of visuals, the customisable package allows greater freedom to incorporate additional visuals relevant to your business. To learn more about adding and customising visuals, please contact INCIT.

How secure is the data in XIRI-Analytics?

XIRI-Analytics places data security at the forefront of its priorities. We utilise anonymised and aggregated data, thereby minimising the risk of data breaches for individual companies. For further reassurance, we recommend contacting INCIT to obtain a detailed explanation of our comprehensive data security protocols.

Does XIRI-Analytics offer any training or support (e.g. onboarding resources)?

INCIT provides a comprehensive suite of onboarding resources to ensure you maximise your use of the platform. These resources include:

  1. Training section: Develop a strong understanding of XIRI-Analytics functionalities through our user-friendly training section, available for registration periodically on our website.

  2. User guides: Complement your learning with detailed user guides that offer step-by-step instructions for navigating the platform and exploiting its full capabilities.

For further assistance or tailored training options, please do not hesitate to contact INCIT directly.

Do you offer any free trials for XIRI-Analytics (e.g. 1 week)?

XIRI-Analytics does not currently offer free trials. Here's why a free trial may not be the most suitable option for XIRI-Analytics:

  • Complexity of Data Analysis: XIRI-Analytics goes beyond basic data visualisation. It utilises complex algorithms and industry benchmarks to deliver insights that become increasingly valuable over time. A short trial might not provide enough time to fully experience the platform's capabilities.

  • Ongoing Support and Value: XIRI-Analytics is designed to be a long-term partner in your transformation journey. We provide ongoing support and resources to ensure you maximise your use of the platform. A free trial wouldn't allow you to experience this comprehensive support structure.

Can I export data from XIRI-Analytics?

As the data is anonymised and aggregated, exporting it for individual company comparisons may not be possible. However, you may be able to download one-off reports with visualisations based on industry trends.

Do I need any technical/statistical expertise to use XIRI-Analytics?

XIRI-Analytics prioritises user-friendliness. You don't require in-depth technical or statistical expertise to navigate the platform and glean valuable insights. The intuitive interface and clear visualisations make it straightforward to understand your data and identify key trends.

While XIRI-Analytics empowers you to extract meaningful insights, collaborating with a Certified SIRI/COSIRI Assessor can unlock even greater value. These qualified professionals can provide in-depth interpretations of the data presented by XIRI-Analytics. Their expertise can be instrumental in crafting highly customised and effective roadmaps for your transformation journey.

Can I use XIRI-Analytics for financial risk assessment or for merger and acquisition (M&A) due diligence?

The standard basic and advanced XIRI-Analytics packages focus on anonymised and aggregated data, making them unsuitable for direct financial risk analysis of individual companies. However, the underlying SIRI & COSIRI frameworks have potential applications for financial risk assessment, though this would require customisation beyond the standard XIRI-Analytics platform.

For M&A due diligence, the prioritisation indices within XIRI-Analytics could potentially streamline the process by providing insights into a target company's ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) maturity and digital transformation progress. This information can provide some indication of whether the company is likely to survive the ever-evolving manufacturing landscape.

If you're interested in exploring the potential of SIRI/COSIRI for financial risk assessment or utilising XIRI-Analytics for M&A due diligence, we strongly recommend contacting INCIT directly. Our team can provide the most up-to-date information on customisation options and data access possibilities to best meet your specific needs.

Can I integrate XIRI-Analytics with my existing data system/database?

Depending on your data type, XIRI-Analytics can integrate with your existing data systems to generate a more comprehensive picture of your current state and produce specific correlation analytics. While data security is our priority, we understand the value of leveraging your own data alongside XIRI-Analytics.

Here's how we can achieve this together:

  • Secure data sharing: You can securely share relevant data from your internal systems with INCIT's analytics teams. Our team will then aggregate and anonymise this data, ensuring it adheres to strict data protection policies.

  • Enhanced insights with correlation analytics: Once integrated, XIRI-Analytics can perform advanced correlation analyses. This allows you to explore how your internal data relates to the industry benchmarks and insights provided by XIRI-Analytics, generating deeper and more actionable insights.

For more information, please contact INCIT at 联系@incit.org






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开始使用 ManuVate 的流程是什么?

请参阅概述的入职流程 这里.



使用 ManuVate 平台是否需要支付相关费用?

否,使用 ManuVate 平台无需任何费用。


在 ManuVate 上发布挑战是否需要付费?



一旦您的挑战在 ManuVate 上发布,我们的解决方案者网络就会收到有关新开放挑战的通知。解决方案者可以直接向您提供创新解决方案,从而促进寻求者和解决方案者之间的直接沟通,并简化接收创新解决方案和想法的过程。


ManuVate 采用个性化匹配系统,使 Solvers 能够根据其核心技能和专业知识收到公开挑战的邀请。这可确保您的独特制造挑战与拥有适当专业知识的 Solvers 相匹配,从而提高所提供解决方案的质量。










全球高管行业讲座 (GETIT)

谁支持 GETIT?

GETIT 由 INCIT 创建并支持。

我可以在 GETIT 上找到什么样的内容?

GETIT 提供与全球制造业最新发展、见解和讨论相关的内容。其中包括文章、访谈、网络研讨会以及由行业专家和思想领袖主持的讨论。

我可以在 GETIT 上谈论什么样的内容?


GETIT 是否仅限于制造业内的特定领域?

GETIT 旨在涵盖制造业的广泛领域和主题。内容经过精心策划,涵盖制造业和制造业转型的各个方面,以满足不同领域和专业的专业人士的需求。


如果您是制造业的专家或认识这样的人,您可以通过提交我们的提名表来参与 GETIT 这里.

成为 GETIT 的一部分有哪些好处?

GETIT 为您提供与志同道合的制造业专家、专家和杰出人物建立联系的机会。它提供了一个分享知识、见解和专业知识的平台,并让您随时了解最新的行业趋势和发展。

参加 GETIT 是否需要支付相关费用?

不,无需支付任何费用。GETIT 向所有有兴趣为制造业社区做出贡献和参与的行业专家和专业人士开放。

GETIT 上的内容更新频率是多少?

GETIT 上的内容定期更新,为用户提供与制造业转型相关的各种主题的新见解和讨论。

是否有一个流程来审查或批准我想要在 GETIT 上分享的内容?

是的。提交提名表和内容后,INCIT 将进行内部审核流程,然后与您联系。


谁支持 GETIT?

GETIT 由 INCIT 创建并支持。


评估费用由认证评估师决定。INCIT 不会直接干预评估师为其客户做出的定价决策。


要为您的组织进行正式评估,完成 SIRI/COSIRI 计划是成为认证 SIRI/COSIRI 评估师的先决条件。探索有关我们计划的更多详细信息 这里.






SIRI/COSIRI 课程以什么语言授课?

SIRI 课程提供多种语言选择,以满足不同的偏好。有关各种语言课程的详细信息,请参阅我们的 课程页面。COSIRI 项目目前仅以英语进行。

SIRI/COSIRI 课程的费用是多少?

请直接联系您选择的培训和认证提供商,询问 SIRI 计划的课程费用。

对于 COSIRI 计划,培训费为 3,000 欧元,考试费为 1,000 欧元。

我在哪里可以报名参加 SIRI/COSIRI 计划?

您可以报名参加SIRI/COSIRI 课程 这里。


如需了解所有可用课程,请访问我们的 所有课程均适用。为方便您,本页列出了课程举办的地区。


INCIT 不为 SIRI 和 COSIRI 课程费用提供经济资助。请直接与我们的合作培训和认证提供商联系,了解总体费用。


请通过我们的咨询表提交您的反馈 这里.








完成计划培训课程后,您现在有资格报名参加考试课程。请直接联系您的培训和认证提供商了解考试时间表。您可以在我们的网站上访问我们授权培训和认证提供商的联系方式 联系人列表.

或者,您可以从我们的可用课程列表中申请公开考试课程 这里.

如果您不想报名参加考试课程,您将不会获得认证 SIRI/COSIRI 评估师的认证,因为我们的认证仅授予成功完成培训和考试课程的个人。


收到考试结果的典型周转时间约为 1 至 2 周。但请注意,此时间范围可能因培训和认证提供商而异。


对于希望复核或重新考虑考试结果的个人,我们建议您直接联系培训和认证提供商。请注意,除非 INCIT 直接参与管理考试,否则我们无法更改考官确定的最终结果。


请直接联系您的培训和认证提供商,询问您的入职培训日期。您可以在我们的网站上查看我们授权培训和认证提供商的联系方式。 联系人列表.


根据您所在国家/地区,SIRI 和 COSIRI 计划课程可能可通过政府补助申请。请直接通过您所在国家的政府资源进行查询。




如果您在登录 INCIT 的任何门户时遇到任何困难,我们鼓励您通过填写提供的咨询表及时与我们联系 这里。我们专业的团队将及时回应并勤勉工作,以协助您解决当前的问题。


如果您在登录 INCIT 的任何门户时遇到任何困难,我们鼓励您通过填写提供的咨询表及时与我们联系 这里。我们专业的团队将及时回应并勤勉工作,以协助您解决当前的问题。