2024 年 10 月,巴西,新加坡 – 为帮助企业开展数字化转型,巴西率先推出“巴西更高效”计划,旨在增强微型、小型和中型企业的竞争力。INCIT (International Centre for Industrial Transformation) 自豪地支持这一计划,因为它与倡导数字化转型、推动工业创新和可持续发展的使命高度契合。
今年早些时候, INCIT 与 SENAI 合作 (Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial), Latin America’s largest private network for vocational and technical education, to support the transformation of the Brazilian manufacturing industry. A pivotal development in this effort was SENAI’s adoption of the Smart Industry Readiness Index for the Brasil Mais Produtivo programme, marking a significant step towards advancing the region’s industrial innovation revolution.
Additionally, Certified Smart Industry Readiness Index Assessors are set to make a transformative impact on around 1,200 manufacturing companies by evaluating their Industry 4.0 readiness. These assessments will uncover gaps and growth opportunities, highlighting key areas for digital solution investments, thereby driving enhanced efficiency and innovation across the sector. Ultimately, the programme will impact 200,000 companies by 2027 with a range of services that include professional training and consulting.
总之,Brasil Mais Produtivo 计划使巴西制造商能够接受其独特的数字化转型,从而显著提高其在全球市场的竞争力。在 INCIT 的坚定支持下,这项新计划将通过数字化转型和创新彻底改变巴西的工业格局。Brasil Mais Produtivo 计划不仅加强了巴西工业,还为国家经济发展做出了重大贡献。详细了解巴西在以下领域的影响力工作: 这个视频 (葡萄牙语)或访问 巴西更高效的 网站以获取更多信息。
Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI),即国家工业培训服务机构,是巴西工业在职业教育、培训、工业创新和技术服务方面最重要的合作伙伴。该机构成立于 1942 年,目前每年培训超过 280 万名专业人员,并为 860 多家公司提供 1,929 个研究、开发和创新项目。有关 SENAI 的更多信息,请访问: https://www.portaldaindustria.com.br/senai/
这 International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) 是一家独立的非政府附属机构,成立的愿景是引领全球制造业转型。INCIT 总部位于新加坡,在制造商的工业 4.0 之旅中与其合作,作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,利用其全球参考的框架、工具、概念和计划推动创新,推动智能和可持续制造业的崛起。
如有任何疑问,请随时联系我们 contact@incit.org.