
利用智能工业就绪指数 (SIRI) 改造埃及制造业

随着智能工业准备指数 (SIRI) 的推出,埃及制造业的未来正在发生变革性飞跃。SIRI 旨在指导各种规模和行业的制造商,旨在帮助企业启动、扩展和维持其数字化转型之旅。这一开创性举措是通过与 […] 的合作实现的

利用工业 4.0:INCIT 致力于在全球气候挑战中实现制造业转型

<strong>2024年11月,巴库:</strong> 联合国气候变化大会于本月开幕,汇集了全球领导人,共同应对气候挑战并促进可持续的工业实践。作为一家致力于智能制造转型的非营利智库,INCIT 承认这些讨论对于塑造可持续未来至关重要,尤其是因为预计 2024 年将是 […]


In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, leaders are actively transforming their operations with cutting-edge innovations, seamlessly integrating sustainability and technology in harmony with Industry 4.0. Manufacturers now have the power to revolutionise their smart manufacturing processes using cutting-edge cleantech solutions. They are using hydrogen to power their operations, a roboctopus to handle delicate items such as […]


In the fast-evolving global manufacturing landscape, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) face mounting pressure from governments and society to slash carbon footprints and achieve net-zero emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported the manufacturing sector is responsible for about 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, underscoring the need for businesses to act now. […]


Industry 4.0 has irrevocably changed manufacturing production, enabling it to rapidly evolve and become increasingly interconnected. Despite substantial innovations in manufacturing and significant industry advancements, physical risks persist. By addressing and mitigating physical risks, businesses directly enhance human sustainability, protecting their employees from harm. The 2024 International Labour Organization (ILO) report highlights that agriculture, construction, […]


The era of smart manufacturing and building intelligent factories is transforming manufacturing as we know it. Industry 4.0 has brought on the swift adoption of powerful tools aided by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT), which has resulted in greater optimisation, and automation but also a large amount of […]


It’s not an exaggeration to say that the world has developed at an incredible pace in the last few centuries. Collectively, we have made several transformational leaps and bounds throughout history, and the rate of change is only getting faster over time. Part of this transformation includes the evolution of the manufacturing industry, and its […]