Course details
SIRI 计划:培训和认证
Course details:
Course overview
About this course
This course provides the candidate with over 40 hours of classroom training, covering content on manufacturing, Industry 4.0, SIRI frameworks and tools, business consulting, and the methodology for conducting Official SIRI Assessments.
The candidate must complete the training course and have relevant academic and/or professional experience to be eligible to sit for the certification examination. The examination includes both theory and practical assessments. Upon completion of both training and examination, the candidate will attain certification as a Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA).
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About TÜV SÜD Middle East LLC
TÜV SÜD is an Approved Training Provider which administers the Certified SIRI Assessor Programme on behalf of the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT). INCIT is a World Economic Forum-backed independent non-profit organisation whose mission is to spearhead the transformation of industrial sectors internationally.
The Certified SIRI Assessor Programme consists of the SIRI Assessor Training Course and CSA Examination.
Frequently Asked Questions
INCIT does not provide financial assistance for SIRI and COSIRI Programme course fees. Please check directly with our partnering training and certification providers on the overall fees.
请通过我们的咨询表提交您的反馈 这里.
The Certified Assessor certification has a validity period for two years. To ensure the quality of all assessments conducted, renewal of your certification would require retaking of the examination.
The programme courses were established and are formally recognised by the Singapore Government.
Please contact your training and certification provider directly for any associated costs and discounts.
这 COSIRI 计划 帮助我对制造业的可持续性有了更广泛的了解。它让我做好了与各种规模、行业和地区的制造商合作的准备,并了解了全球制造商在处理可持续性机会时面临的独特挑战。
COSIRI 是应对制造业可持续发展挑战的独特方法。COSIRI 不只是关注指标和测量,而是帮助企业全面了解他们是否已做好从指标转向思维模式的准备。
Industry4ward 总裁
这 SIRI 计划 非常有帮助、高效,而且很有见地。我们的培训师知识渊博、精力充沛。除了涵盖计划的主题外,他还留出了很多空间来研究案例并回答学员提出的问题。
我觉得自己对 SIRI 的设计精神和 INCIT 的方法有了深刻的领悟。我很高兴能参加我的第一次官方 SIRI 评估,而且我感到非常安心,因为我知道自己可以适应任何现实生活中遇到的情况,而且在需要的时候,我可以依靠 INCIT 提供的专业支持。
在参加了 COSIRI 计划(培训),我感觉自己收获了很多,不仅仅是知识技能方面的,更是个人成长和情感交流方面的。
这 COSIRI 计划 是一门结构良好的课程,拥有全面而实用的材料,为我提供了自信地指导制造公司走上可持续发展之路所需的知识和技能。
除了解决制造运营中的 GHG 排放问题外,它还包含一份实用的清单,其中包含切实可行的策略,以确保可持续性成为公司文化的核心部分。对于那些需要重点关注的起点以立即影响可持续性实践的人来说,它是理想的选择。
迈克尔·史蒂文斯 数字可持续发展总监